
  • 网络Insertion part;episode
  1. 第二乐章采用奏鸣曲式写成,展开部中还包含有一个复三部曲式的插部,热情的快板(Allegroappassionato),d小调,3/4拍子,典型的谐谑曲,具有火一般的热情。

    The second movement , written in sonata form used to start the Department also includes the trilogy there is a complex type of interpolation Department , enthusiastic Allegro ( Allegro appassionato ), d minor , 3 / 4 beat , a typical Scherzo , with fire in general enthusiasm .

  2. 一种高压管连接件包括:螺帽与设在螺帽的一侧或两侧的管件承插部组成的管接头,套管;

    The connecting piece includes a pipe joint consisting of a screw cap and a pipe adapting part at one side or both sides of the screw cap , and a bushing ;

  3. 第四章分为四节,分别论述了调式性元素在作品的引子与叠部中和插部一、插部二及尾声中的运用方式。

    The fourth chapter is with four sections , which separately discusses the way of using the mode elements in the introduction , the refrain , the episode one , the episode two and coda of this work .

  4. kg-1ABT1号生根粉处理插穗基部3h,500mg。

    Rooting powder for 3 hours or 500 mg · kg ~ ( - 1 ) ABT No.

  5. 连续3年在3个地点的温室内进行了绿枝扦插试验,每年于生长季分别用生长素IBA、IAA与NAA不同浓度处理插穗基部5~10秒,扦插于沙基质中。

    Green wood cutting was conducted in green houses of three sites in growth phase for three years . The cuttings were treated with auxin IBA , IAA and NAA of different concentration with rapid soaking 5 10 seconds , respectively .

  6. 对苜蓿不同部位茎段和插穗基部切口不同处理的扦插生根能力进行了对比研究。

    Effects of different parts on the rooting of the cutting of Medicago sativa were studied .

  7. 生根率下降的原因是蔗糖溶液导致了插穗基部的腐烂。

    The reason why the rooting rate decreases is that the sucrose can cause the base of the cutting to decay .

  8. 将初选的6个柿树株系插穗在新型植物生长调节剂中浸泡24h后扦插,结果表明:各株系插穗基部愈合率呈极显著差异。

    Cuttings of 6 pre selected strains of persimmon ( Diospyros kaki ) were soaked in a new plant growth regulator for 24 hours and cut .