
  1. 还有雪帕德!Punch杂志最幽默的作者和最棒的插画师

    And Shepard ! Punch 's funniest writer and best illustrator .

  2. DaleEdwinMurray是一位自由插画师和设计师,来自伦敦东部。

    Dale Edwin Murray is a freelance illustrator and designer in east London .

  3. 弗兰茨·维索特是一位法国的插画师。

    Franz Vesolt is a illustrator based in France .

  4. 跟我说说插画师和你一起出行吗

    Tell me does the illustrator travel with you ?

  5. 当时,纽约的《哈勃周刊》急需优秀的插画师,而且愿意为他们提供广阔的发展空间。

    Harper 's Weekly , in New York City , needed good illustrations and had lots of space for them .

  6. 接下来九个月里,巴斯福德每晚都在画那本书,白天仍做自由职业插画师的工作。

    Ms. Basford spent the next nine months working on the book at night and freelancing as an illustrator during the day .

  7. 王二木是一位来自中国广州的插画师,他热衷于使用红蓝两色的圆珠笔来创作插画作品。

    Wang2mu is an illustrator from Guangzhou , China , and he favors using the red and blue ballpoint pen to create his work .

  8. 朱莉·莫斯塔德是一位来自加拿大温哥华的插画师。我喜欢她与作家莎拉·奥莱莉合作的书《当你还是小时候》。

    Julie Morstad is an illustrator based in Vancouver , Canada . I like her new book When You Were Small cooperating with the writer Sara O'Leary .

  9. 出版商泰坦漫画公司表示,由插画师杰伊创作的这部系列漫画,将首次被译成英文出版发行。

    Publisher Titan Comics said the release would be the first time the manga series , illustrated by manga illustrator Jay , would be printed in English .

  10. 一位苏格兰插画师专门为成年人设计的“填色图书”意外走红,由此推动了全球铅笔产业的迅猛发展。

    A Scottish illustrator has been credited with boosting the fortunes of the global pencil industry after the surprise success of her " colouring-in " books for grown-ups .

  11. 享负盛名的日本插画师草间弥生更为系列的包装创制出以大自然为题材的六款活力十足、色彩鲜艳的图案,完美配合系列的六款色调。

    What 's more , world-renowned designer Yayoi Kusama designed six vibrant , colourful motifs inspired by Nature for Juicy Tubes to perfectly complement the six shades in this edition .

  12. 上海——在这座快速发展的城市,一间安静的工作室里窝着一群年轻的动画设计师、插画师和电脑程序员。他们正在让一座中国古镇在数字世界里重现。

    SHANGHAI - Tucked away in a quiet design studio in this fast-growing city , a team of young animators , illustrators and computer programmers is bringing an ancient Chinese village to digital life .

  13. 上海&在这座快速发展的城市,一间安静的工作室里窝着一群年轻的动画设计师、插画师和电脑程序员。他们正在让一座中国古镇在数字世界里重现。

    SHANGHAI &   Tucked away in a quiet design studio in this fast-growing city , a team of young animators , illustrators and computer programmers is bringing an ancient Chinese village to digital life .

  14. 曹文轩是第一位入围并获得国际安徒生奖的中国作家。该奖项是对童书作家和插画师的最高国际认可。

    Cao was the first Chinese writer to ever win and be shortlisted in the Hans Christian Andersen Prize , which is the highest international recognition given to an author and an illustrator of children 's books .

  15. 这一奖项是由旨在促进儿童读物发展的国际组织--国际儿童图书评议会自1956年起颁发的。该奖项每两年授予给那些在世作家和插画师对儿童文学作品有持续贡献的作品。

    The prize has been given since 1956 by the International Board on Books for Young People ( IBBY ) , the leading international organization for the promotion of children 's books , and is awarded every other year to a living author and illustrator whose complete works have made a lasting contribution to children 's literature .

  16. 一些具有本土风格的插画艺术作品也出现在市场上,许多插画师也做了大量的设计创作实践,其部分作品艺术作品也运用到了民族图形,或者含有本土元素的风格的插画作品。

    Some illustration works with local style have also appeared in the market . A lot of illustrators have also done a lot of creative design practice , some of which also using ethical graphics , or elements of local ethical characteristic .

  17. 每位艺术家讨论了“如何“和“为什么”来实现艺术艺术,这本插画设计年鉴一本令人惊叹的插画视觉艺术书籍年鉴,作为插画师的你是最佳的插画阅读书籍。

    Each artist discusses the " how to " and " why " of their art , marking this annual as both a visually stunning art book , and a riveting read into the creative process of today 's top working illustrators .