
chā rù tú piàn
  • insert picture;insert in pictures
  1. publisher无法从“插入图片”对话框中得到图片。

    Publisher cannot get a picture from the insert picture dialog box .

  2. 在“插入图片”对话框中,通过浏览找到所需图片,然后将其选中。

    In the insert picture dialog box , browse to find the picture that you want , and then select it .

  3. 网站的新闻图片管理,一直是新闻类网站的一个技术难点,很多网站缺少该功能,或者仅提供插入图片URL。

    The management of website news images is always the technical difficulty of news website . Most of websites lack of this functionality and use the method of inserting the image hyperlinks to add news images .

  4. 分析了基于Web的数据库操作控制的重要意义,简要介绍了JSP技术的内在优势及其特色,重点介绍了在数据库中插入图片和从数据库中读取图片的实现方法。

    The paper analysed the importance of controlling the database which was found on Web , introduced the predominance and feature of JSP technology briefly , explained how to insert pictures into database and how to read them to Web pages from database .

  5. 比如MPAA的网站就很容易受到来自外界的XSS攻击,这种攻击将可向网站页面中插入图片和各种代码。

    For example , it turns out that the MPAA website is vulnerable to XSS attacks allowing the public to inject images , frames and all sorts of random code into the site .

  6. 单击要插入图片的工作表。

    Click the worksheet where you want to insert the picture .

  7. 孙丹勇,25岁,插入图片,截取的工厂闭路电视录像。

    Sun Danyong , 25 , inset , caught on CCTV footage in the factory .

  8. 但在插入图片后,“插入”菜单上的“图片”命令就会变为不可用状态。

    However , after you insert a picture , the picture command on the Insert menu becomes unavailable .

  9. 如果在“格式”菜单中选定“纯文本”,那就不能在邮件中插入图片。

    Pictures can 't be inserted into an E-mail if the plain text is chosen in the format menu .

  10. 你可以插入图片,用手指画画,创建列表,同时支持各种文本格式。

    You can insert photos , draw with your finger , add maps , create lists and it supports rich-text features .

  11. 在“插入图片域”对话框中,单击包含图片文件名称或路径的数据域,然后单击“确定”。

    In the insert picture field dialog box , click the data field that contains the picture file names or paths , and then click ok .

  12. 在“插入图片”对话框中,找到包含要插入的图片的文件夹,然后单击相应的图片,以选择该图片。

    In the insert picture dialog box , locate the folder that contains the picture that you want to insert , and then click the picture to select it .

  13. 在“插入图片”对话框中,通过浏览找到新徽标所在的文件夹,选择该徽标,单击“插入”,然后单击“保存”。

    In the insert picture dialog box , browse to the folder that contains your new logo , select the logo , click insert , and then click save .

  14. 在“文件”框中,键入插入图片或图表的路径和文件名,或单击“浏览”来定位并选择文件。

    In the file box , type the path and file name of the picture or chart you want to insert or click Browse to locate and select the file .

  15. 利用POWERPOINT中的VBA实现自动插入大量图片的方法

    Automatic Insertion of Many Pictures with VBA of Powerpoint

  16. 另外,建议插入的图片要清晰,并明确标注具体的放大倍数和图片来源,使学生形成立体实感,便于掌握新知识。

    In addition , it proposed insertion of the picture should be clear , and clearly label the magnification and image sources .

  17. 在“插入新图片”对话框中,查找并单击要添加的图片,然后单击“插入”。

    In the insert new pictures dialog box , locate and click the picture that you want to add , and then click insert .

  18. 多格式文本有多种构件,例如粗体、标题、斜体、插入的图片,以及对其他工件的嵌入链接。

    There are various rich text components , such as bold , headline , italic , inserted images , and embedded links to other artifacts .

  19. 然后,指向“照片”域,单击右侧的箭头,再单击“插入为图片”,将图片占位符添加到标签中。

    Then , point to the photo field , click the arrow on the right , and click Insert as picture to add a picture placeholder to the label .

  20. 作者在文章中插入大量图片,以便对高句丽墓室壁画与中原绘画风格的异同进行直观地分析。

    And the author inserts a large number of pictures about Koguryo grave frescos so as to directly analyze the similarities and differences between the Koguryo grave frescos and the paintings of the central plain area of China , on the aspect of the style of painting .

  21. 这给用户提供了方便,也给营销提供了机会,因为品牌可以轻易地在发布微博时插入视频和图片资料。

    This is this handy for the user and provides opportunities for marketing , as brands can more easily associate visuals with entries .

  22. 你知道可以改造一些字体,添加一些颜色,插入一个图片,创造出一个像样的设计。

    You know you can skew some type , add some color , toss in an image and make a decent piece of design .

  23. 这里插入破损产品的图片。

    There are two items broken just as the picture showing .

  24. 图形文件可以用插入菜单中的图片命令插入。

    Graphics files can be inserted using the Picture option from the Insert menu .

  25. 插入文件中的图片。

    Inserts a picture from a file .

  26. 你也可以自动插入的水印在图片以便于他们被认定为代价。

    You can also insert automatically a digital watermark in the pictures in order for them to be identified as yours .

  27. 执行此操作的方法由您决定;幻灯片上的图标可帮助您从计算机上的文件中插入剪贴画或图片。

    Your method for doing this is up to you ; the icons on the slide help you insert clip art or a picture from a file on your computer .

  28. 但是不能将其插入到已有的图片中,而是要将其插入到已有图片之前然后再删除原来的图片。

    However , you 're not inserting it into the existing image ; instead , you want to put it before the existing image , and then remove the existing image .

  29. 你可以添加黑体、意大利体、和下划线的格式、加大和缩小字体、改变字型、改变字体颜色、插入链接、插入图片和表情(也称做表情符号)。

    You can add bold , italic , and underline formatting , raise and lower font sizes , change the font , change the colors , insert links , insert images , and insert emoticons ( also known as smileys ) .

  30. 请指向希望插入的域。在下拉箭头出现后,单击箭头,然后单击插入为文本或插入为图片。

    Point to the field that you want to insert . When the drop-down arrow appears , click the arrow , and then click Insert as Text or Insert as Picture .