
  • 网络polyphonic structure
  1. 论《酒国》的复调结构及狂欢化精神

    Polyphonic Structure and Carnival Spirit in

  2. 由于采用复调结构形成其叙事节奏复杂多变,使其小说具有独特的音乐审美效果。

    The polyphonic structure formed complicated of the narrative rhythm and make the unique musical aesthetic effect .

  3. 所以,本文将从新的视角进行研究,以不同时期的古筝音乐作品为个案,揭示出单音旋律中暗含的立体结构,即由单音旋律派生出复调音乐结构的特征。

    Therefore , this paper from a new perspective , zither musical works of different periods as a case to reveal the three-dimensional structure implied in the tone melody , derived from monophonic melody the polyphony structure characteristics .

  4. 与其文学观相适应,莫里森运用了黑人的神话和传说、黑人特色的语言、复调式的结构以及黑人音乐元素的融入等方法,展现黑人自己的声音并重构历史。

    To adapt her literature , Morrison using black myths and legends , characteristics of black language , polyphonic and blended in black music element , show black people voice and reconstruct the history of blacks .

  5. 复调艺术、音乐结构、幽默,都在他的作品中得到了充分体现并被大家重视,但是他作品的隐喻性却总是被人忽视。

    Polyphonic art , music structure and humor have been fully expressed in his works and paid attention by many people . But the metaphor of his work has always been neglected .

  6. 第三章:对高为杰的和声手法、复调手法、音乐结构处理、配器手法等创作特征进行探讨,解读他如何在现代音乐语言的外衣下沿承着传统的音乐创作手法,进而推陈出新。

    The third chapter discusses the characteristic of his harmony technique , polyphony technique , music structure processing and orchestration . It explains how Gao inherits the traditional creation technique in modern music and innovates .