
  1. 全世界的马林巴打击乐手都采用了雷斯哈瓦德·斯蒂文森有关握槌的技术以及在他书中提到的“动作技术”&有关木槌运动新颖的概念。

    His methods of holding the mallets and original concepts of mallet motion outlined in his book ," Method of Movement ", have been adopted by players around the world .

  2. 简要介绍马林巴的起源与发展和四种槌法的基本用法,马林巴在打击乐中的重要性,及其各个阶段的演奏家对马林巴的演奏要求。

    Brief introduction of the origin and development of the basic usage and four mallet marimba method , marimba importance in percussion , and each stage performer on marimba performance requirements .