
fù jié gòu
  • complex structure
复结构[fù jié gòu]
  1. 竞赛图与Twistor空间上殆复结构

    Tournament and almost complex structure on twistor space

  2. 进一步研究了这些twistor流形上的殆复结构的可积性。

    Moreover , the equivalent conditions on the integrability of almost complex structure on these twister manifolds are discussed .

  3. 新超复结构意义下的Clifford分析

    Clifford Analysis in the Sense of the New Hypercomplex Struction

  4. Torus上一般复结构的Virasoro代数

    The Virasoro algebra on torus with general metric

  5. 为研究坑道动被复结构在钻地武器作用下的荷载变化情况,通过震塌荷载经验公式的计算对比,给出4级围岩在典型钻地武器GBU-28作用下的荷载变化规律。

    In order to study load changes of the dynamic load lining under the penetration weapon & GBU28 , the load changes of four kinds of enclosing rocks were calculated and compared through empirical formula .

  6. 钻地武器作用下坑道动被复结构荷载的计算

    Load calculation of dynamic load lining under penetration weapon

  7. 复结构奇异值的几何解释及其计算:两块情形

    The geometric interpretation and the computation of complex structured singular value : two-block case

  8. 4维流形的混合型广义复结构

    Mixed type Generalized Complex Stucture on 4-Manifold

  9. 在爆炸荷载作用下,岩体洞室通常采用喷锚支护结构和整体被复结构。

    Under the explosive load , shotcrete and rock bolt support and integral lining structures are usually used for chambers in rock mass .

  10. 自然界碱性长石调制结构及复结构的研究四、赣东北地区火山碎屑岩中

    A Study of Modulated Structures and Complex Structures in Natural Alkali Feldspars :ⅳ . Studies on Complex Structures of Alkali Feldspars of Volcaniclastic Rocks in the Northeast Part of Jiangxi Province

  11. 第三章介绍了浅埋柔性被复结构和玻璃钢蜂窝夹层板的静力试验。详细给出了试验方法和试验过程以及试验取得的数据图表。

    Chapter 3 introduces the static test of shallow-buried structures with flexible coverings and with fiber glass reinforced plastic honeycomb sandwich plates , presenting in detail the method and process of the test and the data charts obtained from the test .

  12. 在本文的第四节中,我们首先将容许复结构的理论在李三系中提出,由此相应得到了关于实李三系的复化,复李三系的实形式以及共轭等概念。

    In another part of this paper , as in Lie algebras , we give definitions of the complexification of a real Lie triple systems and real forms of a complex Lie triple system and also make a definition of compatible complex structure .

  13. 介绍了话音的通断特性和如何提取实用的T-N模式通断信号,以及话音/数据共享单信道后的复帧结构。

    This paper introduced the voice 's on / off characteristics and how to draw the practical T N model on / off signals , voice data , etc.

  14. 当取代量较大时(0.3≤x≤0.5),样品的晶体结构从纯立方焦绿石单相逐渐变化为立方焦绿石与立方萤石两相共存的复相结构。

    With increasing amount of ions substitution ( 0.3 ≤ x ≤ 0.5 ), the crystal structure gradually transforms from pure cubic pyrochlore to a co_existing phase structure with cubic fluorite .

  15. Raman散射和透射电镜(TEM)分析表明,这种P层是复相结构材料,由尺寸3-5nm的纳米晶粒镶嵌于非晶硅网络中构成。

    Raman scattering spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy ( TEM ) analyses indicate that this p-layer is a diphasic material that contains nanocrystalline grains with size around 3-5 nm embedded in an amorphous silicon matrix .

  16. 由于这种缺陷态复周期结构的可调参数多,人们很容易得到在红外波段1550nm附近窄带滤波窗口,透过率可达到近90%,而窗口以外的透过率在0.02%以下。

    Owing to its more adjustable parameters , the people can easily obtain narrow band transmission window at 1550 nm The transmission can get to 90 % inside the window , but only 0.02 % outside the window .

  17. 逐步积分法求解复阻尼结构运动方程的稳定性问题

    Studies on stability of step-by-step methods under complex damping conditions

  18. 甲壳动物复跟结构及其适应性

    The Structure and Adaptation of the Compound Eyes of Crustacean

  19. 自反应喷射成型复相结构陶瓷的组织与性能

    Structure and Properties of Self-Reactive Spray Formed Multi-Phased Ceramic Preforms

  20. 转子复冲模结构分析与改进

    Analyzing and Improving of the Construction of the Multiple Die for the Rotor

  21. 城市广场复层结构绿化比例分析评价&以南京市城市广场为例

    Analysis and Evaluation on Multilayer Structures of Urban Square

  22. 逆焊接加热处理防止复板结构应力腐蚀开裂的研究

    Study of Preventing SCC of Cladding Plate by Anti - Welding - Heating Treatment

  23. 用于波分复用的缺陷态复周期结构光子晶体滤波器的研究

    The Defect States of the Multi-periods of Photonic Crystal Filter for Wavelength Division Multiplexed

  24. 基于复周期结构光子晶体波长可调谐滤波器的设计与性能分析

    Design and Performance Analysis of Tunable Wavelength Filter Based on Complex Period Photonic Crystal

  25. 纳米复相结构陶瓷的原位反应合成

    In-situ Reaction Synthesis of Structural Ceramic Nanocomposites

  26. 本文讨论了分形动力系统的复分枝结构问题。

    This paper takes a research on the complex bifurcation structures in fractal dynamic systems .

  27. 根据结构的模态参数来修正结构的有限元模型是进行结构设计的重要手段,首先提出了用于复模态结构修正的阻尼模型和阻尼误差模型。

    The damping model and damping error model are advanced for modification of the complex mode structure .

  28. 城郊绿地独特的下垫面及复层结构类型对城市环境质量良性的生态影响是显著的、多效的。

    The special boundary layer and double-layer structure type of suburb greenland greatly affect the city environment quality .

  29. 抚育及整地方法对生物防火林带木荷幼林生长的影响分析生物防火林带混交复层结构与配置及适地适树试验研究

    Study on Complex Storey of Structure and Disposition of Fire Biological Mixed Forest and on Time and Tree Species

  30. 电导率的增加是含钪锆过饱和固溶体的分解形成弥散型的复相结构。

    The increasing of conductivity is the decomposition of the supersaturate solid solution contain Sc and Zr forming dispersion complex phase .