
zhèng pǐn
  • certified products;quality products;certified goods;normal products;certified products(goods);quality products(goods)
正品 [zhèng pǐn]
  • [certified products(或goods);quality products(或goods)] 质量合乎标准的产品

  • 正品率

正品[zhèng pǐn]
  1. 还有一种就是明知是假货,但因为正品太贵,所以只好买个仿制的。

    Still one kind is known perfectly well namely is fake , but because certified products is too precious , be forced to buy so be modelled on .

  2. 燃料元件的冷态性能符合设计指标,44批燃料元件的平均自由铀含量为4.57×10~(-5),正品率为99%。

    The cold properties of the graphite matrix materials satisfies the design specifications . The mean free uranium fraction in spherical fuel element from 44 batches is 4 . 57 × 10-5 , certified products is 99 % .

  3. 别买廉价的仿冒品,攒点钱买正品吧。

    Don 't resort to cheap copies ; save up for the real thing .

  4. 这种伏特加酒是正品。

    The vodka was the genuine article .

  5. 结论:通过序列差异比较分析,DNA测序技术可成为三七正品基原鉴定的准确、有效手段。

    Conclusion : DNA sequencing is an accurate and reliable method in origin identification of the genuine notoginseng .

  6. 厚朴DNA分子标记的研究&正品的RAPD研究

    Research on DNA molecular marker of Magnolia officinalis rehd . et wils . & rapd study on certified species

  7. 正品龙胆遗传多样性的RAPD及ISSR分析

    Analysis of genetic diversity in certified Radix Gentianae by RAPD and ISSR

  8. 找到任何你喜欢的NFL正品。

    Find all of your favorite authentic NFL products .

  9. 中国国家工商总局(SAIC)在近期一份报告中表示,网购商品非正品率超四成。

    The SAIC said in a recent report that four of every 10 products bought online in China are either bad quality or fake .

  10. 而随后,香港的苹果员工证实了林志颖手中拿的苹果手机为正品。2015年,林志颖出人意料的缺席了,不过那可能是鉴于iPhone6s和iPhone6sPlus与iPhone6的外观相似,也没什么可以炫耀的。

    With the latter Apple employees in Hong Kong even admitted Lin 's iPhone 6 was legit . Lin was conspicuous by his absence in 2015 , but given the iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus are visually identical to the iPhone 6 there was little to show off .

  11. 蕲蛇药材正品与其市售混淆品的cytb基因序列有着显著差异,该序列在蕲蛇种内差异率为0%~0.91%,与混淆品间的差异率为18.57%~23.78%。

    The differences of Cyt b gene sequence between Agkistrodon and its adulterants sold in the market are significant : the difference rates among the species of Agkistrodon are 0 % 0.91 % , the difference rates between Agkistrodon and its adulterants are 18.57 % 23.78 % .

  12. 女人街的销售放缓,似乎印证了Mak的商业直觉:在这段艰难时期,一些人宁愿租用正品,也不愿购买假货。

    The slowdown in sales at the Ladies ' Market seems to support Mr Mak 's entrepreneurial hunch that in these troubled times some people would rather rent the real thing than buy the fake .

  13. 通过考证认为:古代所用延胡索正品,即今产于东北各地的野生齿瓣延胡索(CorydalisturtschaninoviiBess.)

    Our textual research shows that yanhusuo used in the ancient times is the plant Corydalis turtschaninovii Bess . which grows wildly in northeastern China today , and the cultural certified product C. turtschaninovii Bess .

  14. 结果表明,TCCCN网络分别结合中红外光谱技术、近红外光谱对大黄的正品与非正品鉴别的正确率分别为96.13%,100%。

    The results showed that the correctness of TCCCN based on MIR spectra with optimized parameters was96.13 % , and the correctness of TCCCN based on NIR was100 % .

  15. 这和正品一样好

    It 's just as good as the real thing .

  16. 我们的品牌是正品。但是我们却得面对很大的麻烦。

    Our brand is authentic , but we face great difficulties here .

  17. 家庭自酿与正品的红葡萄酒中钾含量对比分析

    Family-brewed Red Wine and Quality Red Wine : Comparison of Potassium Content

  18. 衬衫和鞋子这类东西,我还是坚持买正品。

    With shirts and shoes , I insist on buying authentic items .

  19. 改善水质提高白厂丝正品率

    Improving the Quality of Water to Raise the Standard Rate of Raw Silk

  20. 若孤独也有滋味那么这便是我正品尝的苦涩

    If lonely is a taste then it 's all that I 'm tasting

  21. 导带式数码喷印机具有喷印正品率高、织物品种适用性广的优点。

    The digital jet printer with belt type features high quality and wide applicability .

  22. ITS序列是正品西红花鉴定的有效的分子标记。

    The ITS sequence is an available molecular marker for identification of the C. sativus .

  23. 记者在中国联系的三家网上零售商均表示自己出售的是正品博比熊。

    Three online retailers reached in China all said they were selling authentic Bobbie Bears .

  24. 丝芙兰可能是从消费者开始关注正品问题中获益最大的品牌之一。

    Sephora may be among the brands benefiting most from the new focus on authenticity .

  25. 单味正品大黄的促胆汁分泌作用

    The secretagogue effect of genuine rhubarb

  26. 你应该知道这是仿冒品,不是正品,对不对?

    You do know that this is an imitation , not the real thing , right ?

  27. 哈格力正品尝着美酒,麦康娜教授正和丹伯多教授交谈。

    Hagrid was drinking deeply from his goblet . Professor McGonagall was talking to Professor Dumbledore .

  28. 即便在那些品牌直销的平台上,也无法保证100%都是正品。

    Even on platforms where brands sell directly to consumers , genuine products aren 't guaranteed .

  29. 最近他的一个客户打算推出一款新产品,但正品尚未推出,山寨货就已经上市了。

    One of his clients recently had a product counterfeited before it even went onto the market .

  30. 正品的缝线应该完美无缺。

    It should be perfect .