
  • 网络orthodox Marxism
  1. 他试图消解正统马克思主义的意义,给马克思主义填充某种人道主义的内容。

    He tries to diminish the significance of orthodox Marxism by means of adding humanism to it .

  2. 正统马克思主义强调某些观点结论的意义和价值,维护原始文本思想精神。

    Orthodox Marxism emphasizes the significance and value of the conclusion in some points , maintaining the spirits of the original thought for the text .

  3. 与正统的马克思主义美学相反,马尔库塞认为,艺术的政治潜能在于艺术本身,即在审美形式本身。

    Unlike the traditional Marxism aesthetics , Marcuse consider that the art 's political potential exist in art itself , namely in aesthetic form itself .

  4. 不过,怀着与正统马克思列宁主义者曾将希望寄托在无产阶级身上一样的热忱,新一代政治学家相信,新兴中产阶级将会是历史的引擎。

    Nevertheless , with the same fervour that orthodox Marxist-Leninsts once placed their hopes in the proletariat , a new generation of political scientists believes the emerging middle class to be the engine of history .

  5. 在西方,从正统的马克思主义者到马克思主义的修正主义者,再到西方马克思主义者和马克思学学者,大多否认或拒斥唯物史观内容体系和基本精神中的道德维度。

    In the west , from the orthodox Marxists to revisionists of Marxism , then to the Western Marxists and Marxism-study scholars , the most of them deny or reject the moral dimension in the contents and the basic spirit of historical materialism .

  6. 在对马克思主义多样化和多元化的理解解释过程中,正统和非正统都是马克思主义发展演变延续传承历史过程中的客观产物,他们共同构成马克思主义发展史的一个侧面。

    In the process of diversity and pluralism for understanding and interpreting Marxism , both orthodox and unorthodox Marxists are the objective products in the process of the development and evolution of Marxism . They constitute the history of the development of Marxist in one side .

  7. 非正统则是以怀疑质疑为特征,挑战正统马克思主义的权威和地位,追求不同于正统的另类理解和解释,导致马克思主义理解和解释多元化、多样化格局的生成。

    The characteristics of unorthodox is to question and to doubt , which challenges the authority and status of orthodox Marxism , in the pursuit of different understanding and interpretation from that of orthodox Marxism . So it leads to the formation of diversity and different patterns .