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  1. 旧历正月初二日琴跟着她的母亲来拜年。

    On the second day of the New Year , Chin and her mother arrived .

  2. 北方在正月初二祭财神,这天无论是商贸店铺,还是普通家庭,都要举行祭财神活动。

    The north on the lunar calendar , this day whether business offering huzhu shop , or the ordinary families , have held offering mammon activities .

  3. 每年的正月初二,是俚濮人祭拜山神的日子,其祭拜活动具有广泛性、群众性、自发性。

    Every year , on the second day of Chinese lunar January , Lipu people offer sacrifice to the mountain deities , and the activity for the worship is of universality , popularity and spontaneity .