
  • 网络normal galaxy
  1. 星系通常分为正常星系(NG)与活动星系(AG)两类。

    Galaxies can be divided into two classes : normal galaxy ( NG ) and active galaxy ( AG ) .

  2. 正常星系光谱的一种谱线自动提取方法

    An Auto-Extraction Method of Spectral Line for Normal Galaxy Spectra

  3. 正常星系的射电连续辐射及HI辐射

    Radio Continuum Radiation and HI Radiation of Normal Galaxies

  4. 本文综述了近年来世界上各大天文台站对正常星系的射电连续辐射和HI辐射的观测及研究。

    The observations and study of radio continuum radiation and HI radiation of normal galaxies carried out by the main observatories in the world in recent years is described .

  5. 基于神经网络的模板匹配方法求正常星系红移

    Using Neural Networks Based Template Matching Method to Obtain Redshifts of Normal Galaxies

  6. 一种基于非线性降维求正常星系红移的新方法

    A Novel Method for the Determination of Redshifts of Normal Galaxies by Non-Linear Dimensionality Reduction

  7. 文章针对正常星系光谱给出了一种新的谱线自动提取方法。

    The present paper presents a novel technique of spectral line auto-extraction for normal galaxy spectra .

  8. 这样的高产率也许可以在未来1到3亿年时间里制造出更多的正常星系。

    That reproductive feat would take most so-called " normal " galaxies one to three billion years .

  9. 正常星系的光谱是天体光谱谱线自动提取中最难处理的一种。

    Spectral line extraction for normal galaxy spectra is the most difficult task in spectral line auto-extraction of celestial spectra .

  10. 由一维流形上的红移分布数据,根据最近邻方法得到正常星系的红移值。

    Finally , the NG redshifts are obtained by the nearest neighborhood technique from the redshift distribution on the manifold .

  11. 对正常星系和恒星两类光谱数据进行实验,结果表明,覆盖算法具有较好的鲁棒性、较高的分类正确率。

    The experiment results show that the cover algorithm has good robustness and high classifying accuracy over Normal Galaxies and stars datasets .

  12. 提出了一种新的星系光谱分类方法,将星系光谱分为正常星系和活动星系。

    An algorithm for classification of galaxy spectra is proposed , which divides the galaxy spectra into normal galaxy and active galaxy spectra .

  13. 这些星系显得比正常星系活跃,可以辐射出从射电到γ射线的全波段的电磁波。

    These galaxies appear active than normal galaxies , and can radiate electro-magnetic waves from radio to γ ray over the whole band .

  14. 通过对恒星、正常星系等的实验表明:该方法是有效的,这将对后续的参数测量和基于谱线的光谱分类非常有利。

    The experiments on both stars and normal ( galaxies ) show that our method can extract spectral lines accurately , which is helpful to the parameter measure and the automatic ( classification ) of spectra based on spectral lines .