
  • general-relativistic effect
  1. 详细讨论了XNAV(X射线源自主导航)中的广义相对论效应之一:脉冲星发射与观测者接收到X射线的引力频移和Doppler频移。

    It is discussed that one of the general relativistic effects in XNAV & gravitational and doppler shift in basis equation .

  2. 在所有工程学问题中,GPS计时是极其精确的,这也是唯一一个迫使工程师同时考虑狭义和广义相对论效应的地方。

    GPS timing is incredibly precise ; of all the problems in engineering , it 's one of the only ones in which engineers have been forced to include both special and general relativity in their calculations .

  3. 广义相对论效应对脉冲星γ射线辐射的影响

    Influence of general relativistic effects on γ - ray radiation from Pulsars

  4. 根据广义相对论效应,我所经历的十八个小时

    Due to the effect of general relativity , what I experienced as18 hours

  5. 几个广义相对论效应公式的简易证明

    A Easy Proof of Several General Relativistic Effect Formula

  6. 引力场的度规张量及行星运动的广义相对论效应

    The Metric Tensor of Gravitational Field and the General Relativity Effect in Planetary Motion

  7. 激光测月资料分析中的广义相对论效应

    Relativistic effects in lunar laser ranging data analyses

  8. 地球场的广义相对论效应对人造卫星轨道的影响

    The relativistic effect of the earth gravity field on orbit of a artificial satellite

  9. 重力加速度的广义相对论效应

    General Relativistic Effect of Gravitational Acceleration

  10. 本文以特殊情况为例,利用微积分原理推证了几个广义相对论效应公式。

    Taking special conditions as example , several general relativistic effect formulas are proved , using the principle of infinitesimal analysis .

  11. 星体的质量、电量或角动量都会产生时空弯曲,它的两个重要的广义相对论效应就是光线偏折和雷达回波延迟。

    Two well-known general relativistic effects due to space-time curvature by mass and charge or angular momentum of a star are deflection of light and radar echo delay .

  12. 光子、引力子静质量的广义相对论效应就如同相对论将牛顿物理学给纳入一般,终究也可能会有个量子理论,将相对论给收编进来。

    General Relativity Effect of Photon and Graviton with Rest Mass ; Much as relativity subsumed Newtonian physics , a quantum theory of gravity will ultimately subsume relativity .

  13. 这种既能体现广义相对论效应而又使计算过程大为简化的牛顿势,对于许多天体物理问题(例如厚吸积盘)的研究是非常适用的。

    Such a Newtonian potential is useful in studying astrophysical problems ( e.g.thick accretion disks ), since it is not only able to represent the general relativistic effects , but also to simplify calculations greatly .