
  • 网络advertising audience;ad audience
  1. 广告受众反应模式研究

    Research of the Hierarchy of Advertising Audience Response

  2. 此外,为促进国内动画广告的发展,笔者还从动画广告公司及广告受众等角度做出相应的策略性分析与研究。

    In addition , the development of domestic animation advertising should also make corresponding strategic analysis and consideration from the aspects of animation advertising companies and advertising audience .

  3. 食品集团设定的广告受众年龄,往往低于12岁。

    Food groups typically have lower advertising age limits than 12 .

  4. 浅析传统美学对广告受众认知的影响

    The Impact of Traditional Esthetics on the Public Acceptance of Ads

  5. 这些意识形态往往对广告受众的消费心理产生非常大的影响。

    These ideologies exert strong psychological influences on the audience .

  6. 国外对平面广告受众注意心理的眼动研究

    Researches on Consumers ' Visual Attention to Print Advertisements Using Eye-Tracking Methodology

  7. 我们的目标是确保我们广告受众的70%都是达到法定饮酒年龄的成年人。

    We make sure that the ads are reaching 70 % legal-drinking-age adults .

  8. 广告受众若干理论问题初探

    Discussion about the study of advertisement audience theory

  9. 广告受众对媒介广告有极强的选择性和回避性。

    The advertisement audience has the greatly strengthened selectivity and elusion to the media advertisement .

  10. 广告受众对不同广告代言人、不同功能介绍信息的注视时间存在显著性差异;

    There are significant differences in fixation time for different endorsers and different ways of introducing function information ;

  11. 广告受众(消费者)接受并消化传递给他的信息是广告诉求的最终目的所在。

    That the public ( consumers ) accept and understand the information is the final outcome of the appeal of advertisement .

  12. 这些注意力吸引策略如何作用于广告受众并使其获得最佳关联的过程正是本研究的主题。

    The results of the study indicate that the attention-attracting strategies in advertising are vital for the audience to understand the advertising .

  13. 一般而言,广告受众研究往往从结构、行为、社会文化等三个维度来进行考量。

    Generally , structure analysis , behavior analysis , social and cultural analysis are three points of view in ad audience research .

  14. 不是每一个消费者都是产品的广告受众,而所有广告受众也很难成为产品消费者。

    Not every consumer is the advertisement audience , and it is also difficult for all advertisement audience to become product consumers .

  15. 但谷歌遭到了公民自由活动人士的抨击,理由是它收集用户信息,然后将他们作为广告受众。

    But Google has come under attack from civil liberties campaigners because it collects data from users to target them with advertising .

  16. 本研究在此基础上从广告受众的角度,用图形-背景理论深入分析广告双关语识解的一般机制。

    This thesis will further study the interpretation mechanism of pun in advertising based on Figure-Ground Theory from the angle of the audiences .

  17. 因此,只有满足广告受众的心理需求,成功地抓住受众心理,广告才能收到预期的效果。

    So , only by satisfying and gripping the need of the public 's psychology , can the advertisement obtain the anticipated effects .

  18. 本文运用收益管理的思想与技术,构建了一个基于广告受众的广告业时段最优分配模型,并对模型的假设前提及相关结论进行了分析。

    The article applies RM ( Revenue Management ) to Ads , and constructs a period of time allocation model based on audience rating .

  19. 广告受众具有受众的一般意义,但广告是一种非人际的传播,也就是说需要借助媒体。

    Advertisement audience has the common meaning of audience , but advertisement is non-interpersonal communication , which means that it needs the support of media .

  20. 本文突出点为着重探讨了手机广告受众生态以及媒介技术进步与人类文明的互动关系。

    The major focus of this paper is the discussion on the interaction relationship of the audience ecology and media technology progress with the human civilization .

  21. 结合语境以及话语内容,广告受众可以推断出广告者的真实意图,取得广告所要达到的语境效果。

    According to the context and the discourse , the audience makes some efforts to produce some textual effects on understanding the intention of the advertiser .

  22. 广告受众对广告的认同程度如何直接关系到广告传播效果和受众对产品、品牌的态度。

    The extent how the audience identifies the ads has an important influence on the advertising communication effects and the audience'attitude towards products and brands advertised .

  23. 其中,广告受众行为上的变化是最明显、最直接的,也是反映广告受众改变的核心内容。

    Among them , the change of ad audience behavior is the most obvious and direct , also reflecting changes in the core of ad audience .

  24. 广告受众的选择性心理体现在注意、理解、记忆三个环节。

    The fact that the audience acceptance of advertisement is on the selective bases and it represents in three aspects : noticing , perception , and memory .

  25. 对不同层面的电视体育广告受众的调查数据进行分析,从受众的反馈信息中分析出中国电视体育广告的效应如何。

    Thirdly , analyze the survey data of different levels of TV sports advertisement audience , and then analyzing its effect situation from the audience feedback information .

  26. 本文旨在从广告受众的角度来看这个问题,利用信息传播的理论来分析广告的语言艺术。

    This thesis discusses the art of advertising languages in the aspect of the acceptors , utilizing theories of information communication to analyze the art of advertising languages .

  27. 众所周知,其目的是向广告受众传递一种信息及劝服广告目标受众购买产品或是促使他们采取某种行动。

    As is known , the purpose of advertising is to inform and persuade the audiences to buy products or to take certain actions intended by the advertisers .

  28. 基于关联理论分析广告受众如何通过广告宣传者所设置的明示刺激来获得最佳关联。

    Based on the relevance theory , the paper analyzed how the audiences acquire the optimal relevance between the advertising caption and its contextual assumptions through the ostensive stimulus .

  29. 结果表明:(1)广告受众对广告中不同信息的注视具有选择性,更倾向于对广告中名人信息的注视;

    The results show that : ( 1 ) Viewers are able to choose different information in an advertisement , and tend to fixate the information about famous person in an advertisement ;

  30. 它通过广告受众理解广告语言的认知过程,论述了触发诗意效果的语言实现形式及语用功能。

    Firstly , the thesis presents different linguistic realizations of poetic effects and pragmatic functions of advertising language triggering poetic effects through the audience 's cognitive process of interpreting advertising language triggering poetic effects .