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  • 网络Guanghe;Grand Harmony;hirokazu;Gung-Ho;KOWA;iService
  1. 企业实施ERP项目是一项投资巨大、影响面广和系统性强的风险性工程。

    ERP project is a risky project with large investment , extensive influence and strong systematicness .

  2. 浏览器是因特网(Internet)上信息浏览的重要工具,其功能的拓广和中文本地化是计算机网络的重要研究内容之一。

    The web browser is one of important tools for information browser in Internet , its extended functions and localization of Chinese for web are one of research focuses in computer network field .

  3. 用MonteCarlo方法研究核测井问题具有节省经费、考察范围广和可以重复利用等优点。

    Monte Carlo method has many merits in studying nuclear logging such as time saving , widely calculating range and repeated uses and so on .

  4. 比如,Zynga就从广和投资公司手中回收了价值4500万美元的股票。

    Union Square , for example , had over $ 45 million worth of shares repurchased .

  5. 使南宁NH物流园区建设成为广西多功能、层次高、辐射范围广和快速、便捷、高效的区域性综合商贸物流中心。

    That will make the HN logistic center become multi-function , high level , large scope and quick , convenient , efficient regional comprehensive commercial logistic center .

  6. 欧洲工商管理学院的出类拔萃不仅表现在一年期MBA课程上,还体现于强大的国际文化(基于两个校区)以及覆盖面最广和最多样化的校友网络之一。

    Insead is distinguished not only by its one-year programme but also a strongly international culture , based upon its two campuses , and one of the most extensive and diverse alumni networks .

  7. 【广和投资(UnionSquareVentures)合伙人&译注】阿尔伯特•韦格纳上周发表的一篇文章谈及该话题,他指出,有意融资的公司应该尽快达成协议,不要为了估值问题而斤斤计较。

    Albert Wegner raised this very issue in a post last week , noting that if a company is in fund-raising mode , it should get its deal done ASAP and not get cute by optimizing for valuation .

  8. 其中,小种T1和T1,2是主流小种,地理分布最广和发生频率最高,分别在13和11个省市出现,占样本总数的28.8%和28.4%;

    Race T1 and T1,2 were widely distributed in 13 and 11 provinces with high frequencies of 28.8 % and 28.4 % respectively .

  9. 但是ERP项目的实施周期长、涉及面广和难度大,我国现阶段市场经济体制尚不健全,各项法规尚不完善,企业与企业之间的无序竞争、不正当竞争尚大量存在。

    But the ERP project implementation cycle is long 、 Involve wide areas and difficult to implement . Chinese market economy system are not perfect now , some legislation is not perfect , disorderly competition and unfair competition between enterprises still exist in large quantities .

  10. 天广和贵广直流工程中的阀冷控制系统

    Valve-cooling Control System Applied in Tian-Guang & Gui-Guang DC Transmission Projects

  11. 广和大桥轻型挂篮的设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Light Travelling Cage at Guanghe Bridge

  12. 然后,详细分析了配电网重构的目标函数、实施成本和约束条件,指出研究要向更广和更深的方向发展,以利于实际应用。

    The objective function , cost and restrictions of network reconfiguration are analyzed .

  13. 广和大桥静力荷载试验与评价

    Static Loading Test and Assessment of Guanghe Bridge

  14. 主要包括移民分布范围广和移民的新变化。

    It mainly consists of widely distribute scope of emigration and the changes of emigration .

  15. 结果:导管内乳头状瘤病的X线特征是病变多发、范围广和形态多样。

    Results : The X-ray features of intraductal pipllomatosis were multiple , vast and varied shapes .

  16. 历史学家告诉我们,在古代世界中,巴比伦是版图最广和兵力最强的城市,简直是无与伦比。

    Historians tell us that Babylon was the largest and most powerful city ever built in the ancient world .

  17. 仿真数据和室外环境实际数据的大量实验结果表明它具有精度高、速度快、适用性广和对噪声、遮挡和类孔径问题鲁棒性高的特点。

    Experimental results demonstrate its high accuracy , low computation , wide applicability and high robustness to aperture-like problem , occlusion and noises .

  18. 面对高技术战争,军事与国防领域在多个方面对仿真技术有更广和更深入的需求,把握这些需求是发展仿真技术的基础。

    In the time of high technology , there are wider and deeper requirements for simulation in the military field than ever before .

  19. 太阳能以其资源储量大、分布范围广和无污染等特点受到人们的青睐。

    Solar energy catches the fancy of most people for its advantages of large resource reserves , wide distribution , and no pollution .

  20. 介绍广和大桥斜拉式轻型挂篮设计的主要力学参数、构造、压载试验及其使用。

    The main mechanical parameters , structure , loading test and application of inclined tied light cage applied in Guanghe Bridge are introduced .

  21. 运行结果表明,该电源各项性能指标能满足设计要求,具有防雷击、适应温度范围广和成本低的优点。

    Experimental results show that the switch power supply has good performance in anti lightning strike , wide temperature range and low cost .

  22. 各类滤波片的设计和制造技术是光信息科学利用最广和难度最高的领域之一。

    The design and manufacture of the various filters are the most useful and difficult technology in the field of optical information science .

  23. 本模型不仅可供岩体工程设计时参考,而且对力学的稳定性理论、岩体的破坏理论方面也有所拓广和创新。

    This model can be referred in engineering designing , furthermore widens and innovates stability theory of mechanics and failure theory of rock mass .

  24. 从其功能设计来看,它是一种效率高、风险低、范围广和投资性强的资本运作方式,是一种比较理想的投资手段。

    From its functions , the trust management is a high efficiency , low risk , far going scope and great value of investment .

  25. 女性主义福利理论说明,妇女与福利是当代社会涉及面广和影响大的核心社会政策议题。

    The welfare theory of feminists indicates that women and welfare is a wide-ranging and influential core topic of social policies in contemporary society .

  26. 并且信息犯罪的发展呈手段趋多、成本趋低、影响趋广和规制趋难的态势。

    And the development of information in crime means more hasten is low , influence , cost is broad and regulation is difficult situation .

  27. 物理震动采油技术具有对油层无伤害,工艺简单,适用范围广和成本低廉等诸多优点。

    Physical vibration of oil production technology has no harm , simple process , wide application scope and low cost , and many other advantages .

  28. 柴油机作为一种工业原动机,由于它的热效率高、功率范围广和适应性强等一系列优点,是目前世界上应用最广泛的一种动力机械。

    Because of a series of advantages such as high thermal efficiency , wide power range and better adaptability , diesel engine is world-wide popular .

  29. 因此,开发高效、低能耗、使用范围广和具有深度氧化能力的治理水污染的方法具有很重要的理论和实际意义。

    Therefore , developing a novel method with high efficiency , low energy costs and wide application is of great importance in both theory and practice .

  30. 可重构机床融合了柔性制造系统加工范围广和专用制造系统高效率低成本的优点。

    Reconfigurable machine tool combines the advantages of wide manufacturing ranges of flexible manufacturing systems and high manufacturing effective and low cost of dedicated manufacturing systems .