
  1. 创意概念的外延形成了广告分类的边界模糊,这是广告创意思维前卫发展的必然结果。

    The extension of creative concept formed the boundary of the fuzzy classification advertising , advertising creative thinking is the inevitable result of the development of avant-garde .

  2. 最简单的一种广告就是分类广告。每天各种报纸都刊登有几页这种分类广告。

    The simplest kind of advertising is the classified ad. Every day the newspapers carry a few pages of these ads ;

  3. 接下来进一步介绍了具有负外部效应广告的分类,巨大的危害性,监管的必要性。

    Next , there are further information on the classification of the negative external effects of advertising , great dangers and the need for regulation .

  4. 和大学一样,报纸仰赖财政交叉补贴才得以经营,用当地广告和分类广告的丰厚收入来弥补亏损的新闻部门。

    Like universities , newspapers relied on financial cross-subsidization to stay afloat , using fat profits from local advertising and classifieds to prop up money-losing news bureaus .

  5. 提出基于知识库的查询推理模式,通过一阶逻辑运算,得出精确广告概念分类,并且通过此分类概念给内容体确定性质。

    Bringing forward the knowledge based querying and reasoning mode , coming to the exact ad concepts classification through the logic operation , we can make sure of the content property with the classification .

  6. 最简单的一种广告就是分类广告。每天各种报纸都刊登有几页这种分类广告。每逢星期天的扩大版上可能有好几大类的分类广告。

    The simplest kind of advertising is the classified ad. Every day the newspapers carry a few pages of these ads ; in the large Sunday editions there may be several sections of them .

  7. 目前,广告创意的分类已有多种。

    Presently , there is a variety of classification of the advertisements .

  8. 商业广告只是广告分类的一种,因此功利性不是广告的唯一目的。

    Commercial advertisement is just one of the classification , therefore the profit is not the sole purpose of advertising .

  9. 今天他所创办的克雷格清单网站已经取代报纸,成为一个大型的免费分类广告网。分类广告一直是各大报纸的主要收入来源。

    Today his Craig 's List is a free alternative to the classified ads that have been a major source of earnings for newspapers .

  10. 在此基础上,本文对这些广告语进行分类并结合模糊语的有关定义,分析研究了广告语中模糊语的10余种实现方式,并且一一分析了它们所传达出的人际功能。

    On the basis of them and the definition of vagueness , the thesis analyses more than 10 sorts of realization means of vagueness , and further investigates their interpersonal meaning respectively .

  11. 第一部分主要把广告媒体进行分类比较,从中了解不同媒体的特点;第二部分主要对平面广告诱导的作用及其理论基础进行阐述;第三部分阐述在平面广告设计中实现诱导的途径。

    The first part of the major media put classified ads compared to know the characteristics of different media ; the second part of the main advertisement on the plane-induced effects and elaborate the theoretical basis ; the third part of the print ads designed to achieve means of induction .

  12. 首先简要介绍了广告的定义及分类;

    Firstly , introduces the defines and the class of ad ;

  13. 对网络视频广告的定义、分类和发展进行了系统梳理。

    Conducted system sort of web video ads on the definition , classification and development of the .

  14. 对于比较广告的概念、分类、合法性分析、法律监管等方面还是空白,形成了一片灰色地带。

    So for the comparison advertising of the concept , classification and validity analysis , legal supervision or blank .

  15. 本文以网络广告的内涵、分类、特征的研究为基础,进一步探索视觉语言包含的基本元素及设计原则。

    This web-advertising content , classification characteristics , based on empirical research to further explore the visual language contains the basic elements and design principles .

  16. 本文基于手机特点,以广告发布主体为分类方式,提出了四大类方法,五种模式。

    Base on the characteristics of SMS , the author puts forward four kinds of advertisement releasing methods and five advertising modes by classifying ad owner .

  17. 分类广告是按内容分类刊出的简短的小广告。分类广告多用于个人或社区服务。

    What the classified advertisement is classified by content and published is brief and small and wide the classified advertisement is used in individuals or community services more .

  18. 这章共有四部分。即广告的概念,分类,组成成分以及不同类型的广告正文。

    There are four parts in this chapter namely the concept of advertising , the classification of advertising , the elements of print advertising as well as different types of body texts .

  19. 本文首先对论文的研究目标,研究意义和论文的框架进行了分析,进而在文献综述中介绍了广告的定义,分类,功能以及特征,并且对传统的翻译理论及标准进行了总结。

    It first gives the goal , significance and the framework of the research , and then introduces the definition , classification , function and features of advertising and further summarizes the traditional translation theories and their standards .

  20. 第二章是文献综述,主要介绍了广告的定义与本质,广告分类以及前人对于广告,金融广告及借记卡广告的相关研究。

    The second chapter is the literature review which introduces the definition , the nature and the classification of this paper as well as the previous study of advertisement , financial advertisement and debit card advertisement .

  21. 第四部分:报纸广告创新的另一个问题是分类广告的出现。分类广告是按内容分类刊出的简短的小广告。

    The four : Another question innovated in advertisement of the newspaper is an appearance of the classified advertisement .

  22. 文章首先讨论广告的定义,阐明广告的目的与分类,说明英语广告研究的重要性,英语广告的研究现状及研究方法。

    First , the thesis defines advertising , clarifies its objectives , mentions its components , and discusses its classification and the significance of studying advertising in English .

  23. 第二章是广告的综述部分。从广告的定义、分类、功能和目的对广告做了一个全方位的介绍。

    In Chapter Two , it covers the definition and classification of advertising , the purpose and function of advertising .

  24. 第二章:运用广告定位理论和广告诉求理论对广告语言进行分类。

    Chapter 2 : Making use of theories and advertisement of the advertisement fixed position claims theories to carry on a classification to the advertisement language .

  25. 收集大量关于广告领域的知识信息,总结归纳得出详细的广告分类和商品分类信息。

    The Main jobs are : Collecting a large number of knowledge information in the advertisement domain , summarizing the whole ad and commodity classification .

  26. 文章阐述了互动创意设计对商业类网页广告的积极作用与重要因素,对网络广告的发展与分类进行分析,指出商业类网页广告的优势,以及互动创意思维为商业类网页广告带来的附加值。

    This dissertation has elaborated the positive role and important factors of interactive creative design for commercial webpage advertising , analyzed the development and classification of webpage advertising , pointed out advantages and extra values of interactive creative design for commercial webpage advertising .

  27. 笔者尝试将广告分为新闻性广告、娱乐性广告和情感性广告。分类标准依照诉求形式,出发点则是方便探讨这些广告形式在群体效应方面不同的表现。

    The author tries to divide these Ad into journalistic Ad , Entertaining Ad and Emotional Ad , The classification criterion is according to the forms of the appeal , intending to make it easy to explore the different expression of these advertising forms on the group effect .

  28. 对服装广告的发展历史、特点和作用进行了分析,并从多角度对服装广告进行了分类。

    And then the development history , characteristic and function of garment advertisement are analyzed , and garment advertisements are divided from many sides .

  29. 关于广告类型我们则抓住了商品类型和广告形象代言人性别这两个重要的广告元素对广告进行分类。

    When classifying the types of advertisement , we focused on two important factors : the category of commodities and the gender of the image representatives in an advertisement .