
  • 网络Military news
  1. 加强和改进新时期军事新闻宣传之浅见一句话新闻始回顾

    Enhancing and Improving Military News Dissemination in the New History Period

  2. 当新闻成为武器之后&伊拉克战争与当前军事新闻传播现象的理论思考

    When Used as a Weapon : on the War of Iraq and the Dissemination of Military News

  3. 高技术战争中我军军事新闻宣传的着力点

    The Key Point of Our Army 's Military Propaganda in High-tech War

  4. 广播电视军事新闻的理论探析

    Theoretical Studies on Broadcasting & TV Military Journalism

  5. 女军人报道是军事新闻报道的重要组成部分。

    The report of female soldiers has been a significant component part of the military coverage .

  6. 西部大开发与军事新闻宣传

    Western Development and Military Press Media

  7. 通过第一、二、三章的论证分析,作者对新时期的中国军事新闻传播进行了重新定位。

    Based on argumentation in the former chapters , the author newly orientates the NCMA in China in the new era .

  8. 如果把军事新闻视为欺敌之术,那么军事新闻作为欺骗是以信誉的损失为代价的,而信誉的缺失则可能会导致消耗更大的成本。

    If military news is regarded as tactics to deceive the enemy , its cost is the consumption of great cost .

  9. 因此,在当下这一语境中研究中国的军事新闻传播极具现实和战略意义。

    Therefore , it is with a lot of realistic and strategic meaning to study the NCMA in China at present .

  10. 从高技术局部战争中的军事新闻传播的解析中,作者提出了未来战争中中国军事新闻传播的应对之道。

    By parsing the NCMA in the local hi-tech wars , some corresponding strategies are put forward to the NCMA in the future wars in China .

  11. 和平时期的军事新闻传播在传播形式、要求、目的、内容等诸多方面与战争新闻传播迥异。但是,战争新闻传播与和平时期军事新闻传播两者之间又存在着千丝万缕的联系。

    Though the communicational forms , requirements , purposes and many other aspects of the NCMA in the peacetime are quite different from those of the one in the wartime , there still exist countless ties between them .

  12. 电视军事新闻节目是指以军事事件为表达对象,以无线电波、卫星信号或导线为传播方式,以音画为传播形式,以电视为终端的新闻节目。

    Television military news refers to military events as the object of expression , with the live wires for radio waves , satellite signal transmission way , with great communication forms , to TV news programs for terminal .

  13. 而在对广播电视军事新闻历史进程的深度思考、外部生态环境的整理(如:军事新闻文化的弘扬)、前景分析(如:三战)等细处,也时有闪光点。

    Moreover , there are several highlights , especially in these points : deep considering its developing history , trimming its external environment ( eg to glorify military journalism culture ), analyzing its prospects ( eg " Three-Warfare ") .

  14. 军事新闻宣传传统的宣传模式和新闻理念面对不断发展变化的受众群体显露出强烈落差和不足:宣传报道面窄,难以全面反映部队丰富多彩的生活和官兵的精神风貌;

    Faced with continuously changing receptors , traditional patterns of propaganda and concept of military news dissemination has revealed its weakness : the narrow coverage can hardly mirror the colorful life and mental attitude of officers and men in basic units ;

  15. 因此,我们相信概念隐喻也存在于军事报道的新闻标题中。

    As we can see , conceptual metaphor also exists in military news headlines .

  16. 因此,在新军事变革背景下,中国军事新闻传播的走向事关国家的安危和发展战略。

    Hence , where the NCMA in China makes for at the backdrop of RMA in the future is meaningful .

  17. 由于随着新军事变革的深入,未来中国特色的军事新闻传播面临着严峻的挑战。

    With the impact of the RMA , the NCMA with Chinese characteristics is facing lots of austere challenge .

  18. 但随着全球化、信息化时代的到来,关乎军事、涉及国家安全与世界和平的广义军事新闻,充盈我们的耳畔和眼帘,已经成为了大国防、大军事观照下社会大众日常生活的一部分。

    However , the age of globalization and informationization , military journalism in the wide sense , has become one part of social daily life with wider views on " national defence " and " military affairs " .