
  • 网络news comment
  1. 新闻评述员有所保留地分析了那情况。

    The news commentator analyzed the situation with reservation .

  2. 我每天都要收看电视的新闻评述,尤其是需要留心解说员用图示法对纷繁复杂的问题,所做的深入浅出的剖析。

    I watch TV every day comment on the news , in particular , need to listen carefully to use the guide icon on the complicated issue made into in-depth analysis .

  3. 第十章通过辑录时事小说所涉及的新闻史资料、评述时事小说在信息传播中的作用来显示时事小说的新闻史价值。

    Chapter X demonstrates the value of news history of the Current Events Novels by collecting their news data and commentary their function on diffusion of news .