
  • 网络The Crescent Moon;NEW MOON ANTHOLOGY
  1. 泰戈尔的诗集《新月集》以其轻灵的诗句,描绘了一个和谐的世界,谱写了一曲爱的颂歌。

    Tagore 's poems New Moon Gathers describes a harmonious world and praises love with its light lines .

  2. 泰戈尔的《新月集》有其独特的审美视角。独特的经历,赋予其独特的审美视角。

    Tagore 's'Crescent Moon'has its particular aesthetic vision . His special experience make him have the special aesthetic angle .

  3. 泰戈尔《新月集》的主题是爱,集中体现在对大自然,对母亲与孩童,以及对存在于自然与人中的神的爱三个方面上。

    The topic of Tagore 's New Moon Gathers is love for nature , mother and kid , and love to gods existing in the nature and human beings .