
  1. 这些食物应该够咱们四个人吃了。

    That ought to be enough food for the four of us .

  2. 公共汽车停下来,四个人上了车。

    The bus stopped and four people got on .

  3. 无论三个还是四个人住,周租金不变。

    The weekly rent is the same irrespective of whether there are three or four occupants .

  4. 草草审讯后这四个人即被处死。

    The four men were killed after a summary trial .

  5. 俄罗斯最有势力的四个人身怀绝密任务出发了。

    Four of the most powerful men in Russia set out on a top-secret mission .

  6. 我们四个人中我唱得最差。

    Of the four of us , I sang the worst .

  7. 四个人当中就有三个选中“舒肤佳”牌香皂!

    Three out of four people choose " safeguard " soap !

  8. 小王的聚会真没劲,只来了四个人。

    Xiao wang 's party was a disappointment , only four people came .

  9. 有四个人今天早上抢劫了银行。

    Four men robbed the bank this morning .

  10. 这间屋子可以住四个人。

    This room can accommodate four people .

  11. 那边池子旁四个人中的林佩珊却又曼声唱那支凄婉的小曲了。

    From the direction of the pond came the dreamy strains of Lin pei-shan 's melancholy romona .

  12. 她在牙买加最艰苦的市中心社区之一沃特豪斯长大,与母亲和两个兄弟住在只有一个房间的公寓里,四个人睡在一张床上。

    She grew up in one of Jamaica 's toughest inner-city communities known as Waterhouse , where she lived in a one-room apartment , sleeping four in a bed with her mother and two brothers .

  13. 四个人过去了,但没人来。

    Four passed , but no one came .

  14. 有时,天气好的时候,我们四个人会去那里骑自行车。

    Sometimes , when the weather is fine , the four of us will go for bike rides there .

  15. 马克·吐温和斯蒂芬·科尔伯特都是大家庭中最小的,金·凯瑞是四个人中最小的。

    Mark Twain and Stephen Colbert were both the youngest in large families , and Jim Carrey was the youngest of four .

  16. 其次,你们带来的四个人,

    Second , you are bringing four of your own people .

  17. budge1up挪一挪;让开我们挪了挪,好让第四个人坐到车后面来。

    We had to budge up to let the fourth person in the back of the car .

  18. 考虑到如果有四个人使用Surface分享照片的话。这种说法似乎是合理的。

    That may not seem unreasonable until you consider the use case of four people using the table to share photos .

  19. 当我刚开始在Google工作时我的团队里面有四个人

    When I first started at Google I had a team of four people

  20. 根据英国大使馆文化教育处(BritishCouncil)的数据,如今大约每四个人中就有一个人会说英语。

    Today about one in four humans speaks at least some English , according to the British Council .

  21. 记得昨天晚上,我们四个人看完电影后,Thomas开车送我回家吗?

    Mary : Remember last night after we four watched the movie , Thomas offered me a ride ?

  22. 如果你让我邀请Penny的话,就会有第四个人了。

    If you had let me invite Penny , then you would have had your fourth .

  23. 当我刚开始在Google工作时,我的团队里面有四个人。所以对我而言,由我自己来面试团队的每个成员就尤其重要。

    When I first started at Google , I had a team of four people and it was really important to me that I interview everyone who was on my team .

  24. 我们只有三张票,sf检票员装作没看见,把我们四个人都放进去了。

    We only had three tickets but the woman at the door looked the other way and let all four of us in .

  25. PremierInn酒店的民意测试显示,十个成年人中就有四个人(约41%)承认自己在周末晚上经常感到害怕和焦虑。

    Four out of ten adults - 41 per cent - admit that their Sunday nights are full of dread and anxiety , according to the poll by Premier Inn .

  26. 我与同事JamesFowler开始研讨肥胖症是否真的是一种流行病,是否可以从一个人传染到另一个人身上,就如我之前讨论的那四个人一样。

    And , along with my collaborator , James Fowler , we began to wonder whether obesity really was epidemic and could it spread from person to person like the four people I discussed earlier .

  27. RichardVaughan:“大家好,欢迎回到另外半小时的Cloverdale'sCorner版块。今天是周二,Lourdes不得不离开了,但是我们这里仍然有四个人。”

    RICHARD VAUGHAN : " Hello and welcome back to another half-hour segment of Cloverdale 's Corner . Today is Tuesday , and Lourdes has had to leave but we still have four people here ... "

  28. 我对同事,朋友和我认为是专家的四个人进行调查,包括CynthiaLett,他55岁,在马里兰州银泉做商业礼仪顾问,然后总结出如下凝聚他们智慧和我自己补充的结尾语。

    I polled colleagues , friends and four people Id consider experts , including Cynthia Lett , 55 , a business etiquette consultant in Silver Spring , MD. Below is their combined wisdom and some commentary of my own .

  29. D36B的音质有点薄,用来录伴唱很合适,可以让他们的声音不至于盖过主唱的声音,尽管她们有四个人同时演唱。

    The D36B being thinner in tone worked well for backing vocals , helping them not take over the lead , even though four ladies were singing into it at once .

  30. Soghoian博士三年都住在华盛顿特区过着苦行僧般的生活,他在那骑自行车出行,与其他四个人共住一间房子的地下室。

    Dr Soghoian has spent three years living the life of an ascetic in Washington , DC , where he rides a bicycle and resides in the basement of a house he shares with four other people .