
  • 网络square street;Square Market
  1. 四方街向每一个游客倾诉着魔幻般的梦。

    The old Square Street tells every visitor a magic dream with its unique style .

  2. 上星期,中环四方街一个铝窗坠下,击碎了街上一架车辆的挡风玻璃,割伤了司机双手。

    Last week , a window frame fell on a car in Square Street , Central , shattering its windscreen and causing cuts to the driver 's hands .

  3. “放水冲街”是四方街的一个老传统。

    " Washing the street " is an old tradition here .

  4. 四方街是一个热闹的集市。

    Sifang Street is a very busy marketplace .

  5. 这四方街的道路通向四面八方。

    The street reaches all directions .

  6. 四方街是丽江古城心脏,这里是茶马古道上最重要的枢纽站。

    This is the heart of the town which once served as the most important hub on the Ancient Tea Caravan .

  7. 村庄中心有长33米、宽27米的小小四方街,与古城四方街一样可以引水冲洗。

    There is a small square-street with its length of33 meters and width of27 meters which can be cleaned as the Square-street in ancient city .

  8. 自古以来,四方街一直是游客,商人集散的重地。

    Since ancient times , Sifang Street has been a collecting and distributing center of all kinds of products with travelers and traders going and coming everywhere .