
ɡǔ dào
  • Ancient Road;ancient path;ancient principles and methods
古道 [gǔ dào]
  • (1) [ancient rules and methods]∶传统的正道。今通称不趋附流俗,守正不阿为古道

  • 夫重怀古道,枕籍诗书,危不能安,乱不能治,邮里逐鸡难,亦无党也。--汉. 桓宽《盐铁论.殊路》

  • (2) [simple and unsophisticated]∶古朴

  • 古道热肠

  • 忠厚古道

  • (3) [old road]∶古旧的路径

  • 踏上石子铺的古道

  • 乐游原上清秋节, 咸阳古道音尘绝。-- 唐. 李白《忆秦娥》

  1. 进而在对福建省古道景观实例现状调查基础上,阐述其损毁情况及原因,提出具有针对性的保护恢复措施;

    Then based on the investigation of ancient path examples'status in Fujian province , elaborated the damage situation and reasons , made the targeted protection and restoration measures ;

  2. 这里是著名的茶马古道。

    It 's the ancient path of Chama .

  3. 中国丝绸古道上的敦煌莫高窟内的壁画是世界最长的石窟画廊。窟内有壁画45,000余平方米。

    The painted murals in the Dunhuang Grottoes along the ancient Silk Road in China form the world 's longest painted corridor , with a total of 45,000 square metres of painted murals .

  4. 这条古道起于长安(今西安),止于东欧,靠近今天的土耳其和地中海。

    The ancient road started from Chang'an ( now Xi'an ) and ended in Eastern Europe , near today 's Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea .

  5. 这条古道起于长安(今西安),止于东欧,靠近今天的土耳其和地中海。

    The ancient road started from Chang'an ( now Xi'an ) and ended in Eastern Europe [ ˈ j ʊə r ə p ] , near today 's Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea .

  6. 图片:It’salongwaydown.万丈悬崖图片:TheGrandCanyonNationalPark.大峡谷国家公园古城马丘比丘在印加古道最高处。印加古道被称为是“死亡路线”。

    The ancient city of Machu Picchu lies at the top of the Inca Trail , which has become known as the " hike of death . "

  7. 黄河古道沙土的裸地土壤含水量在正常降水补给下可达到田间持水量的水平,直到10月时,0~100cm土壤含水量仍为15%。

    The moisture in the fallow sandy soil could reach field capacity under the nor - mal precipitation and moisture content was 15 % in 0-100 cm depth in October .

  8. 中间的大道长度超过1.5英里,两侧都没有建筑——它像是现代版的亚壁古道(AppianWay),让突击步兵踏着正步,从阿尔布雷希特·丢勒(AlbrechtDürer)笔下的老纽伦堡,一直走向崇敬元首的集会。

    Great Street , more than one-and-a-half miles long , with no structures on either side - a modern Appian Way where the storm troopers strutted between the old Nuremberg of Albrecht D ü rer and the rallies idolizing the F ü hrer .

  9. 马库斯o白金汉表示:我们现在有机会将权力合理分配到团队领导者手中。白金汉与古道尔共同撰写了这篇发表在《哈佛商业评论》的文章,他的公司TMBC在为德勤提供咨询。

    We now have the opportunity to put power right into the hands of the team leader , says Marcus Buckingham , who wrote the HBR article with Goodall and whose company , TMBC , has been advising Deloitte .

  10. 东坝自古就是茶马古道的驿站。

    There was a courier station in Dongba in ancient times .

  11. 徽杭古道3日行

    3-day Travel Along Ancient Road Between An Hui & Hang Zhou

  12. 我要在这条古道上多走一走。

    I 'd like to walk along it a little longer .

  13. 茶马古道的历史研究与现实意义

    Historical research of Ancient Tea Horse Road and Its current value

  14. 丽江:茶马古道上最有名的集散地。

    Lijiang : the most famous distribution center on the road .

  15. 这条古道向东西伸延好几英里。

    This ancient track ran east and west for many miles .

  16. 剑川:茶马古道上的一个集市。

    Jianchuan : bazaar on the tea and horse ancient road .

  17. 环江古道及其周边旅游资源开发

    The Huanjiang ancient road and its peripheral tour resources development

  18. 茶马古道与鹤庆商帮

    The Ancient Tea - horse Road and Heqing Trade Caravan

  19. 我们应该尊重古道,更要与时俱进。

    We should respect the old ways while proceeding with the times .

  20. 简?古道尔因其对黑猩猩的研究而闻名世界。

    Jane Goodall is world-famous for her study of chimpanzees .

  21. 迪卡普里奥也将通过他名下的亚壁古道公司一同参与制作。

    DiCaprio will produce alongside under his Appian Way banner .

  22. 这条古道两边,生活着20多个少数民族。

    Along the ancient road lived more than 20 minorities .

  23. 茶马古道与茶马贸易的历史与价值

    The history and value of Tea-horse Road and Tea-horse Trade

  24. 茶马古道风景迷人,幽静僻远。

    This ancient road features the imposing scenery and a soul-stirring quiet .

  25. 论茶马古道的形成、发展及其历史地位

    The history of the Old Tea - Horse Road

  26. 她还模仿了珍妮古道尔的经典姿势。

    She also mimes a pose of Jane Goodalls .

  27. 黄河古道细质沙土水分性状的研究彩砂涂料的特性和应用

    Study on Moisture Property of Fine Sandy Soil of Yellow River Old Course

  28. 茶马古道旅游资源具有独特的资源优势和开发利用价值。

    It has unique resource advantages and development value .

  29. 这些遗迹都增加了这条古道的神圣色彩,以及人们对这里的崇敬。

    These have increased a kind of sacred dignity for the ancient roadway .

  30. 首先,最根本的特点是:古道儒雅。

    First of all , the most fundamental characteristics are : ancient elegance .