
  1. 汽驱采油能源计量管理系统是专为两炉四井汽驱热采工艺研制的计算机监测、计量、管理一体化装置。

    Energy measurement management system of steam flood production is a computer monitor , measurement and management unitized device specially developed for stcam flood-heat production technology .

  2. SKG-5700四臂井径测井仪的研制

    Development of SKG-5700 four-arm caliper tool

  3. 改进的水平缝四点井网整体压裂数值模拟

    Improved integral fracturing numerical simulation for four-spot pattern with horizontal fractures

  4. 水平缝四点井网整体压裂裂缝参数优化设计

    Optimization design of integral fracturing parameters for four-spot well pattern with horizontal fractures

  5. 沙88井四开井段钻井完井技术及复杂情况的处理

    The Drilling and Completion Techniques and Treatments for Troubles While the Fourth Spudding in Sha 88 Well

  6. 智能型四臂井径仪校验台

    Intelligent Calibrator for Four-Arm Caliper

  7. 沙84井四开井段钻遇复杂地层,钻井周期长,多次起下钻,造成技术套管磨损。

    The complex formations were drilled during the fourth spudding in Sha 84 Well , which resulted in long drilling cycle , multiple trips , and therefore casing abrasion .

  8. 讨论了地层倾角和四臂井径测井的测量方法、资料处理以及识别崩落椭圆的原则,并列举出两个不同类型的实测例子。

    The measuring method of four-arm diameter log , data processing and the principle of identification of breakout are discussed , and then two different kinds of examples are given .

  9. 建立了水平缝四点井网整体压裂的物理模型和数学模型,在裂缝导流能力的计算中考虑了裂缝的失效性。

    The integral fracturing physical model and mathematical model of horizontal fractures in four-spot pattern were established , and the invalidation of fractures in the conductivity calculation was taken into consideration .

  10. 建立了12°倾角以下的煤层群一般地质模型,引入了原始变量,建立了四种井巷布置模式,其中第四种模式在国际采矿界首次提出,无先例。

    The article Established the geological model for coalbed group which inclination is below 12 °, inducted the primitive variables , established four kinds of tunnel arrangement mode ; in these mode , the fourth is first pointed out in international mining region .

  11. 通过完成四口井的岩芯观察和描述,做出单井沉积相分析;做储层评价。继而进行平面沉积相分析及储层预测,结合构造圈闭探讨该区的油气前景。

    After observe and describe the cores of 4 wells , we analyze sedimentary facies of single wells and estimate the reservoir , and then complete the sedimentary facies plan and reservoir forecast , as well as discuss petroleum prospect in this region , combined to structural traps .

  12. 主站PLC通过电台与四个单井从站通讯,形成了多级远程分布式控制系统。

    PLC of master station communicated with four single well slave stations by radio station , a multilevel remote distributed control system was formed .

  13. SZH-701四组合下井仪

    SZH-701 four-combination logging tools

  14. 塔中四油田水平井钻井完井技术

    Drilling and completion techniques of horizontal wells in tz-4 reservoir

  15. 另外,通过四个密井网开发区精细解剖,确定研究区成藏模式。

    Moreover , Based on what is fine dissection of four dense well development areas define petroleum enrichment patterns .

  16. 针对采卤深井沙盐3井的四次大修井,并阐述其修井的全过程。

    According to the Shayang brine well No.3 repairing in four times , this paper introduces the all process of the well repairing .

  17. 可容四悬挂器的井口头矿井四周正在崩塌下来!

    Four-hanger housing The sides of the shaft were closing in !

  18. 基于建立的动力系统,从不同角度考虑,建立了四个三维水平井井眼轨道设计最优控制系统。

    Based on this dynamical system , four optimal control systems of design of 3D-trajectory of horizontal wells are proposed from different points of view .