
  1. 上新世晚期(狮子沟期)&第四纪挤压、推覆阶段。裂陷阶段,在柴北缘形成中、下侏罗统烃源岩;

    The Middle and Lower Jurassic source rocks were deposited in the northern edge of Qaidam basin during the chasmic stage .

  2. 利用咔唑类化合物作为油气运移示踪剂,探讨柴达木盆地狮子沟油田的油气运移与运聚特征。

    Carbazole and alkylcarbazoles were used as " tracers " to investigate the migration of oil in the Shizigou Oilfield of Qaidam Basin .

  3. 有一件事却是肯定无疑的:第二天,一个“邮车夫”从查理大帝院里被丢向天空,越过那座六层大楼,落在大楼另一面的狮子沟里了。

    What is certain is , that on the following morning , a " postilion " was flung from the Charlemagne yard into the Lions'Ditch , over the five-story building which separated the two court-yards .

  4. 所谓上苍垂念,所谓天使关怀,只不过是一个匪徒从查理大帝院经过拉弗尔斯监狱的房顶抛向狮子沟里另一匪徒的一个面包团罢了。

    That celestial chance , that intervention of the angels , was a pellet of bread tossed by one thief to another thief , from the Charlemagne Courtyard to the Lion 's Ditch , over the roofs of La Force .