
  • 网络lion head;Lion's Head;lion
  1. 除了那些古寺以外,狮头山没可看的。

    Lion Head Hill is not worth seeing except for its old temples .

  2. 不过墙上那只金狮头活过来对我说话了。

    But that gold lion 's head on the wall came to life and spoke to me .

  3. 今年E3的微软发表会上,你会期待什么?狮头工作室给出了不错的提示。

    Wondering what to expect from Microsoft 's E3 conference this Monday ? Lionhead 's Twitter feed might be a good hint .

  4. 阿育王柱上有多少狮头?

    How many lion heads does the Ashoka pillar have ?

  5. 用狮头作装饰的头盔隐藏了他们的逮捕者的面部特征。

    Helmed visors with a leonine head for a crest hid the features of their captors .

  6. 这类金鱼包括摩尔,红狮头,兰寿,朝天眼等品种。

    Fancy goldfish include Moors , Orandas , Ranchus , Bubble-eyes , Celestials , Lionheads and Fantails .

  7. 竹制框架的狮头上覆盖着色彩艳丽的人造皮毛、亮片、彩漆、小镜子和毛球。

    Bamboo-frame heads are covered with neon-bright faux fur , sequins , paint , tiny mirrors and pom-poms .

  8. 狮头便会咬破那只承恩的手,而在二十四小时以后,那咬破的小伤口便会致命。

    The lion bit the hand thus favored , and at the end of twenty-four hours , the bite was mortal .

  9. 本文运用生态学方法,探讨了广州飞鹅岭、睡狮头岭园林绿地的生态环境效益问题。

    Using the ecological method , this paper studies the ecological environmental effects of the garden greenery on the Feie and Shuishitou hill in Guangzhou City .

  10. 凯米拉是有着狮头,羊身,龙尾巴的神话兽,对吗?

    A chimera is a mythological beast with the head of a lion , the body of a goat , and the tail of a dragon , right ?

  11. 那是把经过巧妙微缩,恰好适合十二岁男孩需要的长剑,剑身是用精钢打造,泛着蓝光,两面开刃,剑柄裹着皮革,尾端则是一个黄金做的狮头。

    a longsword adroitly shrunken to suit a boy of twelve , gleaming blue steel , castle-forged and double-edged , with a leather grip and a lion 's-head pommel in gold .