
  • 网络3D mesh;EM3;WWW
  1. 利用VBADS程序向AutoCAD发送命令可生成三维网面图形。

    VB ADS program is provided for giving orders to AutoCAD to generate 3-D net graph .

  2. ECNAS能满足对任意水准网、常规边角网和三维网、任意工程GPS网的多种定权方案的平差计算要求。

    ECNAS can satisfy the requirements of adjustment calculation using multiple programs of weighting for any leveling network , conventional side-angular network , three dimensional network and any engineering GPS network .

  3. 结果:通过对合成工艺研究,制得的生物膜呈三维网孔状结构,孔径10~40μm,大小均匀,由纳米尺度(10nm×50nm~20nm×80nm)的羟基磷灰石和胶原纤维组成。

    Results The results showed that the composite structure was porous and consisted of nano-hydroxyapatite ( 10 nm × 50 nm - 20 nm × 80 nm ) and collagen fiber .

  4. 短边三维网的布设及精度

    Design and precision of three-dimensional networks of networks of short side

  5. 三维网植草防护在公路工程中的应用

    The Application of Three-Dimensional Network Seeding Protection to Highway Engineering

  6. 局部三维网平差系统

    The system for three & dimensi on Al adjustment of local networks

  7. 附加垂线偏差和大气折光参数的三维网平差问题

    Three Dimension Network Adjustment Problems of Additional Vertical 's Deflection and Atmospheric Refraction Parameters

  8. 具有灰度信息三维网面的边缘检测方法

    Edge Detection from 3D Meshes with Brightness Property

  9. 并给了三维网空间定位的实现过程和结论。

    Process of realization and results are given .

  10. 工程三维网平差计算模型

    Three-dimensional Adjustment Computations Model for Engineering Control Network

  11. 短程电磁波三维网的优化设计

    Optimal design of short range EMW three-dimensional network

  12. 三维网垫喷播植草护坡防径流冲刷机理研究

    Research on mechanism of runoff-erosion prevention by 3-D mat planting grass for slope protection

  13. 测边三维网的几个问题

    Several problems in side measuring three dimensional network

  14. 监测网观测方法采用建立三维网来满足三维坐标精度要求。

    A three dimensional net is established to satisfy the accuracy requirement for three dimensional coordinates .

  15. 矿山地表移动变形观测的三维网的建立及其数据处理

    The establishment of the three dimensional network for mine ground movement deformation observation and its data processing

  16. 该三维网方法观测简单,平差简捷,为核电站等变形观测提供了一种先进、精确的测量方法。

    This method may satisfy the deformation observation in the projects such as nuclear power stations or so .

  17. 濮鹤高速公路路基工程中三维网垫植草护坡的应用与效益分析

    Application of Three-Dimensional Vegetative Net for Planting Grasses to Slope Protection Engineering of Pu-He Expressway Embankment and Benefit Analysis

  18. 三维网喷播植草是一种能在纯石质边坡上进行绿化的新工艺。

    Three-dimension vegetative net for planting grasses by spraying sowing is a new technique that can be used to stony roadside slope .

  19. 研究结果表明:土工格室的固土效果最优,其次是三维网垫和菱形铁丝网;

    The application results also show that , the effect of geocell structure is the best one followed by the three-dimensional net and the diamond wire net .

  20. 应用于风化岩石的主要有挂三维网喷播植草绿化技术、挖沟挂网喷播技术、土工格室挂网喷播技术、植被混凝土边坡防护绿化技术等;

    The technologies applied in weathered rock area are3D net scattering , channel covered with net and scattering , geocell covered with net and scattering and concrete and vegetation protection .

  21. 间质相似物可以分化,并从这个位置移行定居在骨髓窦近腔处,形成包埋毛细血管床的三维网。

    Their stromal counterparts may differentiate and migrate from this space to reside on the abluminal side of marrow sinusoids and form a three-dimensional network that invests the capillary bed .

  22. 就三维网植草在路基防护工程中的应用,论述三维植被网防护边坡的作用机理,重点阐述三维网植草新技术的特点及施工工艺,并对经济效益进行了分析。

    For the application of three-dimensional network seeding to subgrade protective engineering , the paper discussed its principle , especially the characteristics and construction technology of new technology for three-dimensional seeding .

  23. 该方法首先建立物体的三维网面模型,检测模型上的特征点,并建立该物体的特征轮廓模型;

    The feature points distributed on the 3D model surface of an object are detected to create a feature-outline model for fast alignment between the 3D model and its real intensity image .

  24. 采用不同处理草本植物护坡,其水土保持效益显著高于灌木护坡:即土工格室&三维网护坡效益优于鱼鳞坑灌木护坡。

    The effects of protection side slopes of herbaceous plants are better than those of shrubs , namely , the effects of earthwork lattice cellula-three dimensional net are better than those of scale pits of shrubs .

  25. NGS&200型GPS测量系统在建立三维控制网中的应用

    Application of NGS-200 GPS in Establishment of Three-Dimensional Control Network

  26. 基于三维MESH网连接的可重构计算机系统

    The reconfigurable computer system base on three dimension mesh network connection

  27. 利用GIS和数字地图自动生成交通需求模型中三维道路网水力机组过渡过程图形化自动建模研究

    Automatic constructing of 3-D road network with GIS and digital map Research on graphical interfaces for automatic constructing model in hydro-mechanical transient

  28. 阐述了GPS公路勘测三维控制网的构建方法、构建过程、构建原则及注意事项。

    The article expounds the establishment method , establishment process , establishment principles and points for attention of the three dimensional control network in GPS highway engineering survey .

  29. 三维控制网技术在BEPCⅡ储存环中的应用研究

    Application Research of 3D Control Network Technology in BEPC ⅱ Storage Ring

  30. 为了改善三维钛网颅骨修补片的力学性能,使接受颅骨修补术的患者获得更好的愈后效果,本文利用计算机辅助设计(ComputerAidedDesign)技术设计制作个体化颅骨修补片。

    To improve the mechanical property of the 3D ( three-dimensional ) titanium implant of cranioplasty , and achieve a better result for the patient , the CAD ( computer aided design ) technology is used to design the customized cranium implant in this paper .