
  • 网络northern region;Nord;Oro
  1. 斯里兰卡中北部省的农村中急剧增长的慢性肾病困扰着医生和科学家们。

    Doctors and researchers are puzzled by a sharp rise in chronic kidney disease among farming communities in the North Central province of Sri Lanka .

  2. 一名来自中国北部河北省的女性被确诊为感染H7N9禽流感病例。

    A woman from north China 's Hebei Province has become the latest confirmed case of the H7N9 strain of bird flu .

  3. 中国北部河北省发生了H5N2禽流感疫情。

    An outbreak of H5N2 bird flu in poultry has been reported in north China 's Hebei Province .

  4. 也门政府和Zaidi什叶派叛军之间在北部萨达省为期五年断断续续的冲突在最近八周升级,目前似乎没有任何立即缓和的迹象。

    Fighting Continues Between Government , Rebels in Yemen There appears to be no immediate let-up in the latest eight week old

  5. 北部太平省教友黎陈灵域(LeTranLinhVuc)说:「我反对神父参选国家机关,并热切希望他们为教会及公益工作。」

    " I oppose priests who run for state organizations . I eagerly want priests to work for the Church and the common good ," said Joseph Le Tran Linh Vuc from northern Thai Binh province .

  6. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛灾难已经持续了两周的时间,我们终于看到总统扎尔达里探望灾民。这这些图片显示,扎尔达里前往北部信德省中心城镇Sakar,这里是救援工作的中心。

    Two weeks since this crisis and finally we are seeing pictures of President Asif Ali Zardari out meeting victims of this flood in Northern Sindh near the hearted town of Sakar , which has been the focus of so much of this rescue effort .

  7. 在北部河北省,春节期间每天都上演民间舞蹈。

    In northern Hebei province , folk dancing is held everyday during the Festival .

  8. 该病例发生于开罗北部米努夫省一名18岁女孩。

    The case occurred in an18-year-old girl from the Minufiyah governorate , north of Cairo .

  9. 原法国北部一省,在皮卡迪和佛兰德间的英吉利海峡附近。

    A former province of northern France near the English Channel ( between Picardy and Flanders ) .

  10. 该死亡发生于以前宣布的1名患者,即北部米努夫省1名18岁女孩。

    The death occurred in a previously announced patient , an18-year-old girl from the northern governorate of Minufiyah .

  11. 据当地警察说,星期四在中国北部陕西省一辆公共汽车发生交通事故,八人死亡。

    Eight people died in a bus accident Thursday in north China 's Shanxi Province , local police said .

  12. 这就是一周前将北部信德省Ghotki地区许多村庄整个淹没的洪水。

    These are the floodwaters that have buried entire villages in the district of Ghotki in northern Sindh province .

  13. 依照这份合同,这家中国公司将向越南北部六省输送电力至少10年。

    Under the contract , the Chinese company will supply electricity to 6 provinces in northern Vietnam for at least 10 years .

  14. 超过500所房屋被毁,北部帕尔旺省一家当地医院在洪水中部分被毁。

    More than 500 houses have been destroyed and a local hospital in northern Parwan province was partially destroyed in the flooding .

  15. 北部卡加延省省长星期日告诉路透社,该台风可能损害或破坏高达60%的稻米。

    The governor of northern Cagayan province told Reuters on Sunday the typhoon could damage or destroy up to60 percent of the rice crop .

  16. 北约承诺对在阿富汗北部昆都士省发生的空袭两辆运油车事件进行全面调查,此次袭击造成多达90人被杀。

    Nato has promised a full investigation into an air strike on two fuel tankers that killed up to90 people in Afghanistan 's northern Kunduz province .

  17. 对来自中国北部山西省宿州一个小山村的新生李燕君来说,那些奢侈品的价格简直是天文数字。

    For Li Yanjun , a freshman from a village in Suzhou of North China 's Shanxi Province , the cost of luxury goods sounds astronomical .

  18. 他的塔利班派别在北部数省与护卫军的武装冲突。其中数百人丧生。

    His Boko Haram sect has been involved in fierce clashes with the security forces across several northern states in which hundreds of people have been killed .

  19. 英国实验室还对采自北部苏莱曼尼亚省以及南部巴士拉和米桑省的更多接受调查病例的标本进行检测。

    The UK laboratory is also conducting tests on samples taken from additional cases under investigation from the northern province of Sulaimaniyah and the southern provinces of Basra and Missan .

  20. 上周六晚,中国北部河北省邢台市市长就本次暴雨灾害应对不力,造成25人死亡及13人失联向民众道歉。

    The mayor of Xingtai City in north China 's Hebei Province apologized last Saturday night for inadequate responses to the storms that have caused 25 deaths and 13 missing in the city .

  21. 这些病例涉及中部广平省一名5岁男孩、北部南定省一名17岁少女和北部广宁省一名40岁妇女。

    The cases concern a5-year-old boy from the central province of Quang Binh , a17-year-old girl from the northern province of Nam Dinh , and a40-year-old woman from the northern province of Quang Ninh .

  22. 一年前,中国北部山西省云冈镇的煤矿曾有上千名矿工。如今,留守矿区的只有一只流浪狗和一名保安。

    A year ago more than 1,000 people worked at the coal mine in Yungang , a town in China 's northern Shanxi province , but these days only a stray dog and a security guard remain on site .

  23. 自2014年起,中国北部山西省的人类精子库就开始在该地区的商业中心和省会太原市的火车站张贴广告,招募捐精者。

    Ever since early 2014 , the official Human Sperm Bank of North China 's Shanxi Province has begun putting up advertisements in the region 's commercial areas and the train station in the provincial capital Taiyuan to recruit sperm donors .

  24. 中国北部河北省石家庄经济学院的学生,22岁的袁晓龙(音译)表示:拍婚纱照是一种不错的记录爱情的方式,但是我觉得我负担不起1000元以上的拍照费用。

    " It is a good way to record love , but I don ` t think I can afford more than 1,000 yuan to take the photos ," said Yuan Xiaolong , 22 , a student at Shijiazhuang University of Economics in North China ` s Hebei Province .

  25. 除艾巴克市和萨尔普勒市外,现在还有三个省会城市完全由塔利班控制:西部尼姆鲁兹省首府扎兰季、北部朱兹詹省首府希比尔甘以及北部同名省份的首府Taleqan。

    The cities of Aybak and Sar-e Pul join three other provincial capitals now fully under Taliban control : Zaranj , the capital of western Nimroz province , the city of Sheberghan , the capital of northern Zawzjan province , and Taleqan , the capital of another northern province with the same name .

  26. 中国北部的宁夏省每年因极端气候影响遭受的损失就占本地生产总值(gdp)的2%。

    In northern China the Ningxia province already suffers a 2 per cent loss of gross domestic product per year from the effects of climate extremes .

  27. 援助机构估计有近一百万人由于刚果民主共和国北部基伍省地区被称为M23的叛军和政府军激增的暴力行为而流离失所。

    Aid agencies estimate almost a million people have been displaced in the North Kivu region of DRC by the upsurge in violence between rebels known as the M23 and government forces .

  28. 它横跨加拿大北部的拉布拉多省

    It stretches right across northern Canada , in Labrador ,

  29. 而其中位于比利时北部的佛兰德布拉班特省酿造出了其中的457种。

    The Flemish Brabant , a province in the north of Belgium , makes 457 beers on its own .

  30. 发出邀请的姑娘周五逃离了位于哈伦的家,小镇位于荷兰北部的格罗宁根省。

    The girl who issued the invitation fled her home in Haren , a town of Groningen , on Friday .