
  • 网络Bupleurum chinense;Bupleurum chinense DC;Bupleurum Chinese;Bupleurum Chinese DC
  1. 研究了四种北柴胡提取物对小鼠体内外免疫功能的影响。

    The immunologic effects of four extracts of Bupleurum chinense DC ( BCDC ) on the immune cell of mice in vivo and in vitro were studied .

  2. GC-MS分析北柴胡地上部分的挥发油化学成分

    GC-MS Analysis of Chemical Components of the Volatile Oil from the Aerial Part of Bupleurum chinense

  3. 北柴胡(Bupleurumchinese)花序分化进程研究

    Studies of the Inflorescence Differentiation Process in Bupleurum chinese

  4. 基于GIS与群落调查的北京市野生北柴胡资源量测算

    Estimating Medicinal Yield of Bupleurum chinense in Beijing Region Based on Field Vegetation Survey with GIS Approach

  5. 方法水蒸气蒸馏法提取北柴胡地上部分挥发油,采用气相色谱-质谱联用(GCMS)技术,分析、鉴定挥发油的化学成分。

    Method Water vapor distillation was used to extract the volatile oil from the aerial part of Bupleurum chinense , GC-MS was used to analyze and identify the chemical components of the volatile oil .

  6. 运用高效液相色谱法对9种不同产地的柴胡分别进行了高效液相指纹(HPLC-FingerprintSpectrum,简称HPLC-FPS)图谱的研究,建立了中药北柴胡的指纹图谱。

    Saikosaponin a was used as the chemical reference substance to establish RP-HPLC and visible-spectrophotometry methods for the determination of contents of saikosaponin a and total saikosaponins . HPLC-fingerprint spectrum analysis of 9 different sources of Bupleurum chinense DC . was developed .

  7. 北柴胡移植试管植株与种子植株植物学性状分析

    Botanical characters of test-tube plantlets and seed plantlets in Bupleurum chinense

  8. 北柴胡主根粗短,无刷状残余纤维;

    North-Chaihu 's taproot is shorter and thicker without aspergilliform residual fiber ;

  9. 北柴胡器官建成与干物质积累规律的研究

    Study on Organogenesis and Dry Substance Accumulation of Bupleurum chinense

  10. 北柴胡的叶为异面叶,由叶片和叶柄组成。

    Was the typical bifacial leaf which composed of blade and stipe .

  11. 方法:在北柴胡不同发育阶段取样调查。

    Method : Plant samples of different growing periods were collected and investigated .

  12. 摘花序、打顶对北柴胡生育性状及根部产量的影响

    Influence of Inflorescence Plucking and Tip Pruning on Vegetative Characters and Root Production of Bupleurum chinense

  13. 北柴胡植株生长分析

    Plant Growth Analysis of Bupleurum chinense

  14. 北柴胡生长关键期主要性状的遗传参数及育种应用

    Study on Inheritable Parameters of Main Characters of Bupleurum chinense Population in Different Growing Periods and Its Breeding Application

  15. 伞菌目的四个新种竹亚科四新种四种北柴胡提取物在小鼠体内外的免疫效应

    Effect of four kinds of extracts of Bupleurum chinense DC on the immune function of mice in vivo and in vitro

  16. 野生北柴胡根资源量与地上植株形态关系研究

    Quantitative Analysis and Simulation of the Relationship between Resource Allocation of Root and Plant Aboveground Morphologic Features of the Wild Bupleurum Chinense

  17. 因此,北柴胡茎中的维管束始终保持分离状态,中间由厚壁组织相连。

    Consequently , vascular bundles in stem of Bupleurum chinense DC . always kept discrete , and there were developed sclerenchyma between them .

  18. 北柴胡叶的发育包括原分生组织、初生分生组织及成熟结构3个阶段。

    Leaves could be divided into three stages : promeristem , primary meristem and mature structure . The leaf of Bupleurum chinense DC .

  19. 结论:可根据北柴胡生长发育的三个关键时期:苗期、拔节期和花果期特点,制定不同的管理技术措施。

    Conclusion : Management methods and planting technologies of B. chinense should be mapped out according to the different characteristics of its three key growing stages .

  20. 茎中有限外韧型维管束和油室数目不同,每种柴胡的维管束与油室数目相等,北柴胡为16个,南胡多为28~31个,少为16个。

    The number of collateral vascular bundle and oil room are different , the North-Chaihu is 16 , The South-Chaihu is 28 to 31 , the least is 16 .

  21. 根据观察结果,将北柴胡花序分化进程划分为初生期、小伞原基分化期、小花原基分化期、雌雄蕊原基分化期、生殖结构分化始期和花粉粒完熟期6个时期。

    Inflorescence differentiation can be divided into 6 phases : primary , rundlet primordium , floret primordium , pistil and stamen primordium , initial reproduction structure and pollen maturation .

  22. 结论北柴胡、酸橙枳实及二者合煎剂有较强的促胃肠动力作用并能使内源性胃动素水平升高。

    Conclusion Decoction of BcDC , Ca , and BcDC with Ca proved to be strong promoters on gastro - intestinal motility and the mechanism of them was probably to increase the endogenous plasma motilin level .

  23. 北柴胡和狭叶柴胡茎、叶在不同发育时期中,黄酮类化合物的含量均在盛花期最高,经过一定的波动,在枯萎前期又恢复到一个比较高的水平。

    In the whole growth period , the content of flavonoid was the highest in blossom period . Then through a dynamic variance , it returned to another high level again in pre-withering period in Bupleurum chinense DC .

  24. 结果表明:分蘖数、分枝数和叶片数可作为北柴胡种子高产育种目标的相关性状;

    During flowering season of Bupleurum chinense , the plants with high number of tiller , number of stem and number of leaf were selected from the society as the correlative characters of obtaining high yield of seeds .

  25. 不同生长发育时期北柴胡果实中脂肪酸、可溶性糖、淀粉和可溶性蛋白质含量的变化北柴胡果实中主要含有四种脂肪酸:棕榈酸、硬脂酸、油酸和亚油酸。

    Changes on fatty acids 、 soluble sugar 、 starch and the soluble protein during different developmental stages of Bupleurum chinense fruit The fruits mainly contained four kinds of fatty acids , including palmitic acid , stearic acid , oleic acid and linoleic acid .

  26. 土壤pH与北沙参菌丝定殖率和总定殖率、北柴胡孢子密度呈显著负相关,与北沙参孢子密度呈显著正相关。

    Soil pH was negatively correlated with hyphal and total colonization of Adenophora borealis and spore density of Bupleurum chinense , while positively correlated with spore density of Adenophora borealis .