
  • 网络Beijing Olympic Bid
  1. 随着我国加入WTO、北京申奥成功、西部大开发战略政策的实施,进一步加强了我国与世界各国的联系。

    With our country 's entering WTO , Beijing 's successful applying for the right of holding The Olympic Games , our country 's Western Policy , the whole country further connected with the world .

  2. 随着中国加入WTO,以及北京申奥的成功,社会对外语人才的要求越来越高。

    As China successfully entered the WTO , Beijing successfully bid for the Olympic Games , and Shanghai successfully bid for the EXPO , more and more highly-qualified talents in the field of foreign languages are demanded by the society .

  3. 因为他们知道北京申奥是多么艰难。

    Beijing 's Olympic bid because they knew how difficult .

  4. 北京申奥宣传中应体现可持续发展理念的几点建议

    Suggestions to embody ideas of sustainable development in the propaganda of Olympic Games Bid

  5. 从社会心理层面论北京申奥成功的原因及其影响

    Beijing Winning the Bid to Host the 2008 Olympic Game on Reason and Influence

  6. 安妮:王平,给我们介绍一下北京申奥的情况?

    Annie : wang ping , could you say something about the bidding in beijing ?

  7. 一篇关于北京申奥最新努力的报道。

    A news story on BeiJing 's latest efforts to win the bid for Olympics .

  8. 试析北京申奥成功与中国体育旅游的发展

    The Analysis on Beijing 's Successful Olympic Bid and the Development of Chinese Physical Tourism

  9. 北京申奥促使我们前进,在中国宣扬了奥运精神,

    Beijing 's bid drives us forward . It promotes the Olympic spirit in China .

  10. 当地农民曾琏(音译)表示自己希望北京申奥成功。

    Zeng Lian , a local farmer , said he hoped Beijing would win the bid .

  11. 我也幸运的目睹了整个国家的转变:我参与了北京申奥和上海世博会。

    But then we are also so fortunate to witness the transformation of the whole country .

  12. 我们坚信北京申奥一定会成功,我也希望如此.谢谢.

    we will ensure that Beijing can win this bid and I hope so . Thank you .

  13. 本文应用多模式话语和批评性社会符号学理论来分析北京申奥会徽中所传达的和谐理念。

    This paper analyses how the concept of harmony is constructed through multiple modes which use the Beijing Olympic bidding emblem .

  14. 北京申奥成功,面对巨大的基础设施建设投入,香港建筑企业更是近水楼台先得月。

    Beijing 's successful Olympic bid , in the face of huge infrastructure investment , the Hong Kong construction enterprises is evident .

  15. 然而,就像这个地区几乎所有接受采访的人一样,他也认为如果北京申奥成功,那会是件大好事。

    And yet like almost everyone interviewed in this area , he thought it would be great if Beijing won the bid .

  16. 从北京申奥、申奥成功、奥运圣火的传递我们都以实际行动来支持。

    From Beijings Olympic bid , the successful Olympic bid , the Olympic Torch pass through practical action we have to support .

  17. 北京申奥委常务副主席刘敬民曾经说过,北京在体育设施和环境方面缺乏优势,

    Mr.LiuJingmin , vice executive chairman of Beijing 's bid committee , once said Beijing has less advantage in sports and facilities ,

  18. 我必须承认我并不太理解北京申奥的意义,直到我站在这里的这一刻.

    I must admit that I didn 't quite understand the meaning of Beijing 's bid until I stand here at this very moment .

  19. 还有在理解奥运精神上的困难.还有关于北京申奥,因为我不是北京的学生.

    And a lot of difficulties understanding the Olympic spirit . And also , the bidding because I ' m not a student in Beijing .

  20. 我把北京申奥作为一种特别的呼声,一种来自全中国人民心里的呼声。

    I 'd like to view Beijing 's bid as a special voice . A voice that comes the hearts of all the Chinese people .

  21. 作为活动的积极参与者和大运会的主体力量,大学生们对这些活动有着浓厚的兴趣,并对北京申奥成功充满信心。

    Both as athletic participants and being at the centre of the games , college students have shown much enthusiasm for and optimism about Beijing 's bid .

  22. 2001年,北京申奥成功也被众人视为萨马兰奇任职期满前的一大决定。

    And awarding the 2008 Olympics to Beijing was widely regarded as one of Samaranch ` s final legacies at the end of his Olympic reign in 2001 .

  23. 随着北京申奥成功、中国加入世贸组织,外资企业在华投资的逐渐升温,我国的英语培训市场孕育着巨大的潜力。

    With the success of Beijing 's appling for the Olimpics , China 's entry to the WTO , foreign investment in China is becoming more and more heated .

  24. 我承认我完全同意我同学说的话,但是,我更愿意用另外一种方式探索北京申奥的意义,

    I admit that I wholly agree with what my fellow students have said.However , I am more willing to approach the meaning of Beijing 's bid in another way .

  25. 北京申奥和上海申博的成功是中国全面参与国际事务,并让世界更多了解中国的重大举措。

    The success of Beijing hosting 2008 Olympic Games and Shanghai applying for 2010 Exhibition proves that China is getting involved in international affairs and makes other countries know her importance .

  26. 员工们对学好英语日常会话很有信心,并且要更好地为乘客服务,以实际行动来支持北京申奥。

    Staff were confident of mastering the daily words and expressions required , and will try their best to improve service and to show their support for Beijing 's Olympic bid .

  27. 北京申奥成功,给中国经济带来了无限的商机,也为中国体育产业的发展带来了前所未有的发展机遇。

    Along with succeed in applying for Olympic Games , Beijing Olympic will present a developing chance to the economy of China , also bring unprecedented opportunities to sport industry of China .

  28. 北京申奥本质上是中国人民的呼声,那是了解世界其它民族和为他们所了解的渴望,

    Beijing 's bid , in essence , is a voice of the Chinese pople.It is a longing to understand other poeple in the world , and to be understood by them .

  29. 北京申奥失利的原因之一便是当时说英语的人还不是很多。《二十一世纪英文报》副总编辑申钢说。

    One reason Beijing failed was that there were not many English speakers at the time , says Shen Gang , deputy editor in chief of the English language newspaper 21st Century .

  30. 所以这次申奥也会存在着弊端。但是我想,总的来说,既然我们已经为北京申奥付出了那么多。

    So , in this bid there will also be disadvantages . But , I think generally speaking , uh , since we are contributing a lot to support Beijing 's bid .