
  • 网络Jack Pine;Pinus banksiana;P. banksiana;Pinus banksiana Lambert
  1. 多重复干旱循环对北美短叶松和黑云杉苗木气体交换及水分利用效率的影响

    Effects of Repeated Cycles of Dehydration-Rehydration on Gas Exchange and Water Use Efficiency in Jack Pine and Black Spruce Seedlings

  2. 轻度的干旱胁迫锻炼可以帮助北美短叶松在更严重的干旱胁迫下保持固有而较强的耐旱能力。

    Hardening of mild drought stress can help jack pine to maintain its greater inherent ability to tolerate drought under more severe drought stress .

  3. 尽管北美短叶松的气孔对轻度干旱胁迫不如黑云杉敏感,但是它对中度及严重干旱胁迫的敏感程度却高于黑云杉。

    Despite less sensitive to mild drought stress in jack pine than in black spruce , stomata was more sensitive to moderate and severe stress in jack pine than in black spruce .