
běi guó
  • the North;the northern part of the country
北国 [běi guó]
  • [the northern part of the country;the North] 祖国的北部

  • 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。--毛泽东《沁园春.雪》

北国[běi guó]
  1. 站在冰雪满天的北国,

    Standing on ice and snow of the north sky ,

  2. 不逢北国之秋,已将近十余年了。

    It is more than a decade since I last saw autumn in the North .

  3. 好一派北国风光!

    What magnificent northern scenery !

  4. 比起北国的秋来,正像是黄酒之于白干,稀饭之于馍馍,鲈鱼之于大蟹,黄犬之于骆驼。

    Southern autumn is to Northern autumn what yellow rice wine is to kaoliang wine , congee , yellow dogs to camels .

  5. 秋天,这北国的秋天,若留得往的话,我愿把寿命的三分之二折去,换得一个三分之一的零头。

    Autumn , I mean Northern autumn , if only it could be made to last forever ! I would be more than willing to keep but one-third of my life-span and have two-thirds of it bartered for the prolonged stay of the season !

  6. 风景如画的Roslyn小镇举办过诸多稀奇古怪的欢庆活动,不过它名扬天下的原因在于曾是美国昔日热门剧集《北国风云》(NorthernExposure)的外景地。

    Roslyn picturesque town used to hold a number of bizarre celebrations , but it was famous because it is the setting of the once popular television series named " Northland "( Northern Exposure ) .

  7. 北国的冬天是雄浑的,北国的冬天也是壮丽的。

    Northern winter is the vigorous , the northern winter is magnificent .

  8. 我爱你白雪飘飘的北国;

    I love the Northland of swirling white snow ;

  9. 我们看到北国抽烟很吃惊,北国过去不抽烟啊!

    We are surprise to see Beiguo smoking , Beiguo used not do .

  10. 剑指北国溢豪气。

    The sword points northward with heroism burning .

  11. 此时,北国的二月,春天的脚步已近。

    Now it is February in North China where the spring footstep comes near .

  12. 冰封的北国;冻结了的水管;孩子们在结冰的小溪上溜冰。

    The frozen North ; frozen pipes ; children skating on a frozen brook .

  13. 很快北国疆土就会被极夜的寒冷所吞没。

    Soon the northern lands will be locked in the cold of the polar night .

  14. 在北国这一个下雪的晚上,又将无眠。

    In such a snowy night in the norland , I will remain wake gain .

  15. 时间过得漫长而艰难,一如北国的冬天。

    Time is walking so slow and difficult just like winter in north of China .

  16. 这儿有一棵异国的、在温室里培养出来的植物;对於北国的花园说来,它是太娇嫩了;

    Here is a foreign hothouse plant , too tender for the gardens of the North .

  17. 对于北国的花园说来,它是太娇嫩了;

    Here is a foreign hothouse plant , too tender for the gardens of the North .

  18. 一个迷人的富有特色的城市&北国哈尔滨。

    Harbin , a city in the far north , indeed has its own unique attractions .

  19. 她住在北国冰城。

    She lives in Harbin & known as a " city of ice " in Northeast China .

  20. 北国的槐树,也是一种能使人联想起来的点缀。

    Locust trees in the North , as a decorative embellishment of nature , also associate us with autumn .

  21. 春天像一个粗壮的棒小伙,他撞开了北国的千里冰封。

    Spring , like a stout rod small group , he pushes open the thousands of miles of the northern ice .

  22. 从史前时代起,冰鞋在寒冷的北国就被当作一种交通工具使用。

    The use of skates as a means of transportation in cold northern regions of the world began in prehistoric times .

  23. 不完全冻结式冰盘管充气融冰的实验研究冰封的北国;冻结了的水管;孩子们在结冰的小溪上溜冰。

    Experiment of the partial charged ice-on-coil with aerated discharging the frozen North ; frozen pipes ; children skating on a frozen brook .

  24. 更何况北国与南国是一个国家统治下的不同区域,语言的相互融合也是在所难免的。

    Moreover , the north and south under the rule of a country 's different regions , the language of integration is inevitable .

  25. 第五部分分析使北诗表现的北国风光、异域风情,主要有三方面内容:1.使北诗中北国的自然环境;

    In the fifth part , The poetry written by ambassador to North showed the north country scene , foreign lands conditions and customs .

  26. 短短的四天里,我们看到了美丽的北国风光,体验到了冰雪上紧张刺激的运动。

    In the four days there , we enjoyed the beautiful northern scenery , and experienced the exciting sports on the ice and snow .

  27. 那个时期,他的名气还不大,只是一个在工人俱乐部表演杂耍的北国喜剧演员。

    At that date he was still in the small time , a North Country comedian doing the circuit of working men 's clubs .

  28. 当北国已是寒风料峭时,江南的人们依旧能够欣赏秋日的风采。

    While the desolation of winter has already arrived in northern China , those living in the south can still enjoy the splendor of autumn .

  29. 曾经爱过春天的繁荣,曾经沉醉于夏的昌盛,曾经企盼金秋的丰满,曾经梦里沉睡于北国的雪中。

    Once , it loved the flourishing spring , addicted to the prosperous summer , expected harvesting autumn , and dreamt from the snowing winter .

  30. 江南的熏暖,开始向北国的冷酷走去,踏翠了大地,踏红了季节。

    The warm of the southern land begins to walk to the chill of the north , its steps green the land and redden the season .