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  • 网络round Heaven and square Earth;hemispherical dome;round sky and square earth;orbicular sky and rectangular earth;heaven round and earth square
  1. 考虑板厚的斜天圆地方钣金展开的CAD方法

    Outspread Sheet Metal of Oblique Square Dome Shaped Pipe Considering its Thickness Using CAD

  2. 中国传统建筑中把时间和空间融为一体,呈现出一种理想化的天圆地方的宇宙图式,建筑同这种宇宙具有同构关系,建筑被当作宇宙的模型。

    Time and space are integrated into a unity in Chinese traditional architecture .

  3. 古时人们认为天圆地方。

    Ancient people believed that the sky was round and the earth is square .

  4. 天圆地方所谓的这圆就代表着天,所以有很多东西都是以圆为造型。

    Round sky place refers to that round representing the sky so many objects were round-shaped .

  5. 其独特的建筑代表了古时中国天圆地方的学说。

    Its unique architecture symbolises the ancient Chinese philosophy of a square earth with a round sky above .

  6. 天圆地方人在中间&浅谈中国古代楚国天人合一建筑观对现代室内设计的影响

    Square earth , round heaven people in the middle & On the ancient Chu " harmony between man and nature " concept of building a modern interior design

  7. 它占地273公顷,遍植松树,南边以方形为界,北方则以半圆形为界,这与“天圆地方”这种古老的观念相吻合。

    Its273-hectare pine-covered grounds have a square southern boundary and a semicircular northern one , in accordance with the old idea that the Earth was square and Heaven was round .

  8. 天圆地方,人于圆中,天人合一,由此折射万鸣源公司对大自然的尊崇和敬仰。

    Sky is round and ground is square , person in the middle of round , sky and person syncretic , therefore refraction Wan Ming Yuan Company homage and revere the nature .

  9. 传统钱币的“天圆地方”形制一直有“经济说”和“政治说”两种说法。

    There have been two arguments about the traditional Chinese coin system of " the square heaven and the rotundate earth ": one is of economics while the other is of politics .

  10. 中国传统的天地观念为“天圆地方”,认定中国作为礼义之邦,居天之中央,由此派生出华夏中心论。

    The traditional Chinese concept of the heaven and the earth was that " the heaven was spherical whereas the earth was square ", and that China , as a nation of high civilization , dwelled in the center of the heaven and earth , thus leading to Sino-centrism .