
tiān shù
  • Days;fate;destiny;fatalism;predestination
天数 [tiān shù]
  • [predestination] 指由上天给安排的命运

天数[tiān shù]
  1. 了解天数可以帮助我们设定更为实际的人生目标。

    Understanding our fate helps us to set realistic goals for ourselves .

  2. 无论你想的是命运还是天数。

    Whatever you 're thinking about destiny or fate .

  3. 去年英国工人的病假天数创下了纪录。

    Britain 's workers went sick for a record number of days last year .

  4. 在英国,轻微的咳嗽和感冒是人们请病假的主要原因——每年因感冒为由的病假天数大约有3400万天。

    In the UK , minor2 coughs and colds are the main reason we take days off work - around 34 million of them every year .

  5. 日本执政的自民党表示,减少工作天数有望促进“多样化的工作方式”,并促使有新技能的员工转入信息技术等增长行业。

    The ruling Liberal Democratic Party said working fewer days is expected to promote " diversified working styles " and prompt workers with new skills to move to growing industries such as IT .

  6. 曲线B可用以描述房屋经纪商出售住宅所需天数的频率分布。

    Curve B could represent the frequency of the number of days required to sell a real-estate brokerage business .

  7. SOD酶活性的变化与蛋白质含量变化一致,冬性品种适宜春化时间内随春化天数的增加,其活性增加,抗寒力增强。

    SOD isoenzyme activity of whiter wheat increased with vernalization time .

  8. 血液流变学指标:两组血液流变学指标随着治疗天数的增加而降低,与治疗前比较,两组均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。

    Compared with the situation before the treatment , both the two groups have statistically significant ( P < 0.01 ) .

  9. A组的退出治疗的人数和平均住院天数显著少于B组(P<0.01)。

    The exiting people and average hospitalization days of group A are significantly less than group B ( P < 0.01 ) .

  10. Fe(Ⅱ)-转运蛋白基因在根中的转录也受到缺铁胁迫的诱导,并随缺铁胁迫处理天数的增加而加强。

    The transcription of Irt gene can be induced and strengthened by iron stress in roots .

  11. 年内降雨量主要集中在6~9月,占年降雨量的57%,最多连续降雨天数是17天,在P为0.01%时连续降雨17天的降雨量为165.7mm。

    The most of continuum raining days is 17 , and the amount of the rainfall is 165.7 mm when P is 0.01 % .

  12. 通过VaR回测,计算出失败天数。

    And according to retest of VaR , the failed days can be calculated .

  13. 结果吻合口瘘并发率、死亡人数、平均住院天数有显著差异,P<0.05;

    Results There was a significant difference ( P0.005 ) in the complicated rate , the death rate and the average days of hospitalization of anastomotic fistula .

  14. 结果:观察组患者平均住院天数及平均住院费用明显低于对照组(p<0.000);

    Results : The average length of hospitalization stays and average cost of patients in observation group were significantly lower than those in the control group ( p < 0.000 ) .

  15. 观察:(1)用CSF后WBC恢复正常所需天数;

    Observation items : ( 1 ) the days of WBC normalization after CSF application ;

  16. 结果A组病例腹痛缓解时间、血淀粉酶恢复正常时间及平均住院天数均短于B组(P<0.05)。

    Results The days of the disappearance of abdominal pain and decrease of serum amylase level . and the hospitalization were significantly shorter in A group than in B group .

  17. 结果华蟾素联合甘利欣与对照组比较,临床总有效率、ALT复常天数有显著差异(P<0.05),HBeAg、HBVdna阴转率无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    The HBeAg and HBV DNA loss had no significant difference in the two groups ( P > 0.05 ) .

  18. 多因素条件logistic回归分析筛选出住院天数、化学疗法、放射疗法、合并糖尿病、应用抗生素(P均<0.01)及动静脉插管(P<0.05)与医院感染有关,其中抗生素的应用为负相关。

    Multiple factor logistic regression screen out the relative factors : the period of in hospital radiotherapy chemotherapy diabetes venous incubation and antibiotics ( P < 0.01 ) .

  19. 随着常温贮存天数增加,氟铃脲悬浮剂粘度逐渐增加,屈服值τH逐渐变大,流动行为指数n也逐渐变大。

    The viscosity , the yield value τ H and the flow behavior index n of hexaflumuron SC were gradually bigger with the increasing the days stored at room temperature .

  20. 结果经胸部物理疗法训练后,COPD患者肺功能明显好转,住院天数下降。

    Results After the training of CPT , COPD patients ' respiratory function was improved greatly and patients left hospital earlier .

  21. 2组病人的输血量、大便隐血转阴天数、住院无数均无显著差异(P>0.05)。

    Regarding to doses of blood transfusion , the days of hospitalization , and the days of turning stool occult blood tests to negative , there were no significant difference between 2 groups ( P0.05 ) .

  22. 在“项目限制”部分中,键入要包括在rss源中的最大项目数和最大天数。

    In the item limit section , type the maximum number of items and days to include in an RSS feed .

  23. 在WBC恢复正常天数上GM组明显长于G组和G/GM组(P<0.05);

    The days of WBC normalization in GM group were longer than that in G group and G / GM group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  24. 土壤pH,土壤结构和有机质均影响H.minnesotensis和H.rhossiliensis对J2的寄生性,这取决于真菌种,真菌接种水平和接种天数。

    Four soils with different pH , texture and organic matter influenced parasitism of J2 and biocontrol effectiveness of the two fungi .

  25. WebSphereCloudburst对映像和模式的独特结合加速了部署,现在是以分钟度量,而非天数或周数。

    WebSphere CloudBurst 's unique combination of images and patterns provides for expedited deployment , measured in minutes instead of days or weeks .

  26. 珠颈斑鸠肌肉、肝脏组织中糖元含量随着饥饿天数的增加而减少(P0.05),饥饿处理后组织蛋白质、脂肪含量均显著下降(P0.05)。

    The glycogen content in the muscle and liver reduced with the increased starvation days ( P0.05 ), but the protein and fat content were significantly decreased ( P0.05 ) . 3 .

  27. 花后5d胚乳细胞的细胞核开始变形,随花后天数的增加,核变形愈加剧烈。

    Starchy endosperm nucleus begin to deform on the fifth day after flowering with the developing of endosperm cells .

  28. 结果观察组患儿在意识恢复、反射恢复、肌张力恢复、平均住院天数4项指标均明显优于对照组,差异非常显著(P<0.001);

    Results The four indexes : the consciousness recovery , the reflex recovery , the muscular tension recovery and the average hospitalization days in the brain active element group were much better than those in the control group . The difference was obvious .

  29. 本实验主要研究了水培条件下,褐飞虱不同密度、取食不同天数对水稻根系吸收N、P、K元素的影响,即水稻根系吸收功能的影响。

    The influence on absorption of N , P and K by rice root in different bite days and density of brown paddy plant hopper was researched in the experiment , that is the influence on rice root absorption function .

  30. 结果:两组比较,MP组症状和体征恢复正常的时程明显缩短,差异有显著性(P<0.05);MP组平均住院天数也较DEM组缩短(P<0.05);

    Results : The recovery time of clinical manifestations and hospital days were significantly lower in MP group than those in DEM group ( P < 0.05 ) .