
tiān shī
  • Taoist master;the title of the head of the taoists
天师 [tiān shī]
  • [Taoist master] 道教创始人张道陵的传衣钵的人,被选为道教的首领

天师[tiān shī]
  1. 天师栗茎芽组织培养研究

    Studies on tissue culture for bud of stem in Aesculus wilsonii

  2. 我问上帝要一个天师,他把你给了我!

    I asked God for an angel & he gave me you !

  3. 从分类与功用谈天师道印

    Look at the Tian Shi Dao seals from the classification and use

  4. 第二天师父印心并回答同修的问题。

    The second day , master gave initiation and answered questions from initiates .

  5. 最后,本文试图研究张天师传说各类文本的叙事特征。

    Finally , the thesis tries to study the narrative characteristics of each type .

  6. 充实旧天师道的教义,建立了融儒释道三家于一体的新天师道教义体系。

    Enriching and constructing a new doctrine system which combines the Buddhism , the Confucianism with the Taoism .

  7. 琅邪王氏受滨海地域文化之熏习,世代信仰天师道。

    Langye Wang was influenced by the culture of seaside region and had the Tianshi religion faith in generate .

  8. 天师道信仰对琅邪王氏家族文化影响较深,诸如书法、医药和文学等方面都有天师道影响的痕迹。

    The Langye Wang 's clan culture was influenced deeply by the faith , especially in penmanship and medicine study .

  9. 元朝时,南北天师道逐渐合成一个新的教派,称为“正一道”。

    During the Yuan Dynasty , the Northern and Southern Heavenly Teacher sects gradually merged into a new sect called as the True Unity Sect .

  10. 我问上帝要一朵玫瑰,他给了我一座花园;我问上帝要一滴水,他给了我一片海洋;我问上帝要一个天师,他把你给了我!

    I asked God for a rose he gave me a garden . I ask God for a drop of water he gave me an ocean .

  11. 天师道的北迁与“上层化”运动,促使神仙信仰开始在上层贵族与文人名士中间广泛传播。

    The northward movement and upper layer of Tian-shi Taoism prompted the immortal faith to spread widely among the upper nobility , the literati and the personages .

  12. 南北朝时期,北天师道在北方创立,南天师道在南方创立。

    During the Southern and Northern dynasties , the Northern Heavenly Teacher Sect was established in the north , and in the south , the Southern Heavenly Teacher Sect .

  13. 话说某天师父叫住了我,并突如其来地问我和恒明师是否愿意去加拿大的金佛寺服务。

    One day the Master stopped me and asked out of the blue if Heng Ming Shr and I would be willing to serve at Gold Buddha Monastery in Canada .

  14. 琅邪王氏还是天师道世家,至少在西汉王吉时即与道教信仰存在联系。

    The Wang was also a generational family that believed in Tian-shi Taoism . The family related with the Taoism in the period of Wang Ji in the West Han Dynasty at least .

  15. 黄老学与方仙道的结合,在东汉形成了原始道教&太平道和五斗米道,五斗米道是天师道的前身。

    In the Eastern Han Dynasty , the combination of the teachings of Huangdi and Laozi , and Fangxian sect formed Taiping sect and Wudoumi sect , the latter being the predecessor of Tianshi sect .