
  • 网络Tin Shui Wai
  1. 参加者先到天水围公园集合,再根据指示到达不同的检查站考察。

    Participants gathered at Tin Shui Wai Park and received hints of checkpoints .

  2. 天水围社会服务中心〔香港基督教女青年会〕

    Tin Shui Wai Social Service Centre [ Hong Kong Young Women 's Christian Association ]

  3. 目前,B2P位于天水围的总站已经由天水围巿中心搬往天慈村。

    At present , the terminus of B2P in Tin Shui Wai was relocated in Tin Tsz .

  4. 天水围预留区发展蓝图拟备研究

    Study on Preparation of Layout Plans for Tin Shui Wai Reserve Zone

  5. 我们相信天水围更具发展潜力。

    We feel there is greater development potential in Tin Shui wai .

  6. 灭蚊人员在天水围喷洒蚊油。

    Workers spray anti-mosquito oil at Tin Shui Wai .

  7. 目前,天水围已拥有相当完善的交通网络及设计妥善的道路系统。

    Tin Shui Wai already has an excellent transportation network and a well-designed road system .

  8. 天水围儿童及青年综合服务队〔基督教香港信义会社会服务部〕

    Tin Shui Wai Children and Youth Integrated Team [ Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service & HK ]

  9. 而我自己,尽管我可能不会像一些老太阳的战术,我会观看比赛对天水围。

    And I myself , despite I may not like some tactics of Lo Sun , I will watch the match against TSW .

  10. 例如在天水围已增加了一个保护家庭及儿童服务课,未来还会加建一所综合青少年服务中心。

    For instance in Tin Shui wai , we have added a family and child protective services unit and will build an integrated children and youth services centre .

  11. 例如去年一个案例,天水围中三名中年女性在屋中烧炭自杀,年龄均在30-40岁之间。

    For example , last year , there were 3 cases of women committing suicide by gassing themselves in their houses , all of whom were aged between 30-40 yrs old .

  12. 本文认为改变现况的方法在于把天水围发展问题从“规划失误”放回到土地发展体制的层面来探究。

    This paper considers that to change the present state , it lies in putting the development problems of Tin Shui Wai from " planning mistake " to the land development system .