
  • 网络Kowloon;Kowloon Area;Kln
  1. 公司总部位于中国香港九龙区。

    The company is headquartered in Kowloon , Hong Kong , China .

  2. 新界及东九龙区防火办事处〔消防处〕

    New Territories and Kowloon East Fire Protection Regional Office [ Fire Services Department ]

  3. 一条高速铁路将会把西九龙区与广州和一条新的中国公路网连接起来。

    A high-speed railway is to link West Kowloon with the mainland city of Guangzhou and a new Chinese network .

  4. 你只需在西九龙区走上5到10分钟,就会发现两个截然不同的世界。

    You only need to walk five , 10 minutes in west Kowloon and you can see two different worlds there .

  5. 在西九龙区,特别是旺角区一带,渠务署正在推展一个全面计划,改善这区的雨水排放系统。

    On West Kowloon , in particular the Mong Kok area , a comprehensive programme for upgrading the drainage system is under way .

  6. 期间亦于东九龙区、深水埗区、东涌区和港岛中西区,成立失业支援关怀网络。

    A Support Network for the Unemployed was also set up in East Kowloon , Shamshuipo , Tung Chung and the Central and Western District .

  7. 由于政府打算在一块填海获得的新土地上建设商业艺术中心,西九龙区正在经历翻建热潮。

    The district is undergoing a facelift as the government aims to transform a piece of newly reclaimed land into a commercial and Art Centre .

  8. 本公司现在是各国名厂单车品牌及配件的九龙区特约代理商。

    Mong Kok Pro Bicycle Shop is also the official retailer in Kowloon district with various bicycles and related accessories brands from all over the world .

  9. 整个九龙区遍布着特别的街边市场,还会上演华美的彩灯游行(包括世界最大的造型灯)和著名的舞火龙表演。

    Throughout Kowloon there are special street markets , extravagant lantern processions ( including the world 's largest structure made entirely of lanterns ) and the famous fire dragon dances shows .

  10. 漫步于九龙区人行道的游客可以看到一些中国最美丽的现代建筑,围绕在贝聿铭设计的中银大厦周围。

    Walking down the Kowloon side promenade gives the traveler a view of some of the most beautiful modern architecture in China , dominated by the Bank of China Tower designed by I.M. Pei .

  11. 求诊者大部份(32%)居住北区,但也有不少来自大埔区、沙田区及元朗区,和录得零星个案的九龙区。

    Whereas a majority ( 32 % ) of the attendees lived in the same district , some had come from Taipo , Shatin and Yuen Long , and there were scattered cases from Kowloon .

  12. 数字规划在西九龙填海区应用的探讨

    Exploring application of digital planning to the west Kowloon recreation

  13. 西九龙填海区内的其他发展工程已在进行中,其中包括私人屋苑、公共房屋及商业楼宇。

    Other private and public housing and commercial developments are in progress .

  14. 你对西九龙文化区发展有其他意见吗?

    Do you have any opinions to suggest for development of WKCD ?

  15. 您了解西九龙文化区的三个概念设计图吗?

    Do you know the three conceptual plans of the development of WKCD ?

  16. 西九龙填海区综合交通分析检讨

    West Kowloon Reclamation Comprehensive Traffic Analysis Revie

  17. 总括而言,您满意西九龙文化区发展土地规划用途吗?

    In conclusion , are you satisfied with the use of land for development of WKCD ?

  18. 西九龙填海区交通研究

    West Kowloon Reclamation Traffic Study

  19. 西九龙填海区余下的道路及排水工程将会逐步完成,配合有关发展。

    The remaining road and drainage works on West Kowloon Reclamation will be progressively completed to tie in with the developments .

  20. 西九龙填海区的南部(约40公顷)将会发展成为世界级的综合艺术文娱地区。

    The southern portion of the WKR ( about 40 hectares ) is to be developed into a world-class integrated arts , cultural and entertainment district .

  21. 新铁路有助纾缓地下铁路弥敦道沿线现时的挤塞情况,并为西九龙填海区的新发展区域提供服务。

    The new line will help to relieve existing congestion on the Nathan Road Corridor of the Mass Transit Railway and it will also serve new developments on the West Kowloon Reclamation .

  22. 去年底,中国企业集团海航集团(HNA)支付高于市场价80%的价格拿下九龙原机场区一个地块时,人们并未感到惊讶。

    When Chinese conglomerate HNA paid 80 per cent over the market rate for a plot of land on the site of Hong Kong 's former airport in Kowloon late last year , there was little surprise .

  23. 你认为西九龙文娱艺术区应该增加定减少其文化艺术发展的密度?那麽商住发展的密度呢?

    Do you consider the West Kowloon Cultural District should increase or decrease its density of cultural development ? What about the density of residential and commercial development ?

  24. 2001年8月和11月在九龙江口红树林区采集了6种底栖动物,测定了它们体内16种多环芳烃的含量。

    Six species of macrofauna were collected in mangrove wetland in the Jiulong Estuary in August and November 2001 and their contents of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were determined .

  25. 北部新区的居委会和村委会数已分别分解到九龙坡区和渝北区。

    Neighborhood committees and village committees of Chongqing Northern New Development Zone are divided into Jiulongpo District and Yubei District respectively .

  26. 所以如果你身处于九龙这边向香港区跳望,可以看到高楼大厦林立。

    So if you are in the Kowloon side overlooking towards Hong Kong Island side , you can see high-rise buildings .

  27. 渝中区、江北区、渝北区、沙坪坝区、南岸区、九龙坡区、大渡口区、巴南区、北部新区

    Yuzhong District , Jiangbei District , Yubei District , Shapingba District , Nanan District , Jiulongpo District , Dadukou District , Banan District , and Northern New Zone

  28. 该隧道连接港岛西营盘与九龙油麻地附近的西九龙填海区。

    Opened in April 1997 , it links Sai Ying Pun on Hong Kong Island and the West Kowloon Reclamation near Yau Ma Tei in Kowloon .