
  1. 九世纪关于酿造的参考材料中首次提到这一点。

    This was first mentioned in reference to brewing in the ninth century .

  2. 它是一个爱国主义巨著,叙述了Manas,他的后裔以及他的追随者的事迹,他们在九世纪反对维吾尔族入侵,从而捍卫了吉尔吉斯斯坦的独立。

    It is a patriotic work recounting the exploits of Manas and his descendants and followers , who fought against the Uyghurs in the ninth century to preserve Kyrgyz independence .

  3. 九世纪是精神最自由的时代。

    The ninth century was the spiritually freest period .

  4. 到九世纪所有这些城市都被舍弃了。

    All of these cities were deserted during the800s .

  5. 九世纪时在中国首次出现了纸币。

    In the ninth century in China we had paper money for the first time .

  6. 在第九世纪的时候,在中国这项技术也被用来打印文件。

    They were also used starting around the ninth century in China to print documents .

  7. 公元前九世纪在阿米那斯带领下德国人歼灭三个罗马军团的一次战斗。

    A battle in 9 AD in which the Germans under Arminius annihilated three Roman legions .

  8. 到九世纪中国每一个佛教修道院里都有观音的塑像。

    By the ninth century there was a statue of Kuan Yin in every Buddhist monastery in China .

  9. 国际史学界对六至九世纪中国东北边疆民族与中央王朝关系史研究述评

    A Research on the Chinese Northeast Border Ethnic Relations with the Central Dynasty from the 6th to 9th Century

  10. 从八世纪到九世纪,任何一个袭击欧洲海岸的斯堪的那维亚人。

    Any of the Scandinavian people who raided the coasts of Europe from the 8th to the 11th centuries .

  11. “德玛”是公元九世纪时莲花生大士以其神通力伏藏起来的密法。

    Ter ( s ) are esoteric teachings concealed mainly by Guru Padmasambhava in the9th Century through his mystical power .

  12. 六到九世纪时,人们大量采伐树木,将木材用于工程建设,巩固社会经济。

    Increasing timber harvest for construction is represented by abundant felling parallel to socio-economic consolidation from the sixth to the ninth centuries .

  13. 七至九世纪,随着吐蕃的兴盛与衰落,吐蕃与党项之间发生了密切关系,这表现在吐蕃与被征服地区党项各部的关系、吐蕃与内迁党项部落关系等方面。

    The Tubo emerged close ties with the Dangxiang along with the prosperity and decline of the Tubo from the7th century to the9th century .

  14. 那习惯诡计-或-注入是想法有开始不与那爱尔兰人塞尔特人,但是与一第九世纪的欧洲人习惯呼叫灵魂。

    The custom of trick-or-treating is thought to have originated not with the Irish celts , but with a ninth-century European custom called souling .

  15. 到了九世纪,威尼斯商人们已在东西方的繁荣贸易中为自己闯出了一片天。

    By the ninth century , Venetian merchant adventures had established themselves as major players in a 6 ) lucrative trade between East and West .

  16. 本文对三世纪至九世纪华北地区的鹿类种群及其分布情况进行了考察。

    This article makes an investigation of the population of deers and their distribution in North China during the period from the third to the ninth century .

  17. 《盟吐蕃碑》这篇九世纪的原始文献向世人显现了中国唐代时期的一份国际和平条约。

    The Tu Bo Treaty Tombstone , a 9th century original document , makes a display of a international peaceful treaty in the middle-time of Tang dynasty .

  18. 作为学府,牛津的起源也同样遥远,传说是阿尔弗烈德国王在九世纪末创建的。

    As a place of learning Oxford 's beginnings are equally distant . Legend has it that Alfred laid its foundations at the end of the ninth century .

  19. 经科学测定,约开始于公元三世纪,终止于九世纪,绵延长达六百年。

    Scientific studies have determined that the construction of this grotto had started in the third century and ended in the ninth century , with a duration of 600 years .

  20. 九世纪中叶,以摩尼教为国教的回鹘西迁新疆后,促进了摩尼教在新疆的发展。

    In the middle of the ninth century , when the Uighur , who were believers in Manichaeism , moved westward to Xinjiang , they promoted the development of the religion in the region .

  21. 九世纪时,基督教僧侣在当地建立了一个定居点,并开始酿造某种将麦芽及啤酒花混合而成的美味饮料,他们曾经利用这种饮料来帮助他们令当地居民皈依基督教。

    Christian monks established a settlement there in the ninth century and began to brew a tasty mixture of malt and hops which they probably used to help convert local inhabitants to their religion .

  22. 这些象形文字可以追溯到九世纪,比玛雅刻本历法提早了数百年。玛雅刻本于公元1300年到1521年记载在树皮纸做的书上。

    The hieroglyphs date back to the ninth century , making them hundreds of years older than the calendars in the Maya Codices , which were recorded in bark-paper books from 1300 to 1521 .

  23. 科学家们将八、九世纪的热带辐合区(赤道附近的低气压区)转移同减弱的冬季季风降雨相联系。

    They link shifts in an area of low pressure that follows the equator , known as an intertropical convergence zone , with weakened monsoon rains in winters during the eighth and ninth centuries .

  24. 因此龙钦宁提法门是莲花生大士于公元九世纪伏藏起来,由仁增晋美林巴于十八世纪发掘成为德玛法门并将其传授给他的弟子们加以观修。

    So longchen nyingthig teachings are the teachings given by Guru Padmasambhava in the9th century that were discovered by Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa in18th century as ter teachings and transmitted to his disciples to practice and to meditate .

  25. 在漫画和定式思维的影响下,关于这些在九世纪到十一世纪之间,侵略了大不列颠岛以及更远的一些邻海地域,并在当地定居的维京人,也许还有许多事实是你不知道的。

    With all the caricatures and stereotypes out there , there 's probably a lot you 've never heard about the seafaring Scandinavians who raided and settled coastal sites in the British Isles and beyond between the ninth and 11th centuries .

  26. 碰撞与迁徙:公元前九至七世纪欧亚草原上的历史场景

    The Clash and Migration on the 9 - 7 Century BC European-Asian Grassland