
pèi yuè
  • dub in background music;underscore;background;incidental music;score
配乐 [pèi yuè]
  • (1) [underscore]∶为电影中的动作提供伴奏的音乐

  • (2) [dub in background music]∶诗朗诵、话剧等按照情节的需要配上音乐,以增强艺术效果

配乐[pèi yuè]
  1. 我能听出配乐中莫扎特的旋律。

    I could hear the strains of Mozart in the background .

  2. 《诗经》作为实用性乐歌,其文本形态的最后形成受很多因素的影响,比如歌唱方式、配乐、应用等。

    As useful lyric songs , the formation of their final texts is affected by many factors sounds , such as singing method , background and application and so on .

  3. 这支舞蹈的配乐是由亨利·托尔格所作的一首原创曲目。

    The dance is accompanied by an original score by Henry Torgue .

  4. 这部电影画面迷人,配乐悦耳动听。

    The film is ravishing to look at and boasts a sensuous musical score

  5. 他因为给古老的宗教经书谱曲配乐而备受关注。

    He has attracted much interest by setting ancient religious texts to music .

  6. 将配乐和电影情节进行同步合成。

    Synchronise the score with the film action .

  7. 这次的配乐需要一位女低音歌手。

    The score calls for a contralto

  8. 乐师们花了两天半的时间为电影录制配乐。

    It took the musicians two and a half days to record their soundtrack for the film

  9. 最佳配乐:史蒂文-普莱斯《地心引力》

    Best Music ( Original Score ) : Steven Price , Gravity

  10. 这个不寻常的故事拍得很漂亮,它的配乐非常温柔,它与你在屏幕上看到的画面无缝衔接、让你身临其境。

    This unusual story is beautifully filmed , with a soundtrack so tender that it seamlessly becomes one with what you ’ re seeing on your screen .

  11. 这个小视频的配乐正是列侬的名曲《想象(Imagine)》。

    The video was a simple animation that was accompanied by Lennon 's song " Imagine " .

  12. 在他们搬运箱子、打闹逗乐的过程中,配乐是僵尸合唱团(TheZombies)欢快的歌曲《爱的季节》(TimeoftheSeason),气氛非常欢乐。

    The peppy Zombies song ' Time of the Season ' plays as they haul boxes and joke around . It 's fun .

  13. 该片演员阵容包括汤姆?哈迪、肯尼斯?布莱纳、马克?里朗斯、斯里安?墨菲、费昂?怀特黑德以及OneDirection组合的哈利?斯泰尔斯。诺兰的老搭档汉斯?季默为该片配乐。

    The ensemble cast includes Tom Hardy , Kenneth Branagh , Mark Rylance , Cillian Murphy , Fionn Whitehead and One Direction 's Harry Styles , and long-time Nolan collaborator Hans Zimmer provides the score .

  14. 最佳特殊效果奖,最佳音效奖,最佳配乐奖,等等。①目的探讨癫痫病人应用苯妥英钠(PH)疗的最佳有效血药浓度。

    Best Special Effects , Best Sound , Best Musical Score . etc. Objective To find out the best and effective serum concentration of DPH for patients with epilepsy .

  15. 马特达蒙(mattdamon)担任旁白,配乐极其出色,但结尾力度稍显不足。

    Matt Damon narrates , an excellent music score but a slightly weak ending .

  16. 广告中她的GlossyPosse唇彩放在泳池里,配乐是克里斯·布朗和她合唱的《ComeTogether》。

    The clip shows her Glossy Posse lip gloss products in a pool , soundtracked by Chris Brown 's H.E.R. collaboration " Come Together . "

  17. 最佳原创配乐约翰·约翰森(JohannJohannsson),《万物理论》

    Original score : Johann Johannsson , " The Theory of Everything "

  18. 4.debutalbum首张专辑;处女专辑然而作为一名艺人,当谢乐尔要求父亲为其专辑中的一首歌曲配乐时,他却表现得相当棒。

    As an artist , however , Sheryl requested that he play a piece from her debut album , which he did with much success .

  19. Story表示唱歌在某些方面更容易模拟,因为它往往会有长的、持续的元音,更精准的高音,掩盖瑕疵的配乐。

    Story says singing is in some ways easier to simulate , because it tends to have long , sustained vowels , a more precise pitch , and a musical score to mask the imperfections .

  20. 在接下来的年头和专辑里面,从2005年激愤的《毕竟还是人类》(HumanAfterAll)到2010年激情澎湃、有管弦乐辅助的《创:战记》(Tron:Legacy)配乐,傻朋克的音乐在继续变异。

    Daft Punk 's music would continue to mutate over the coming years and albums , from the aggro Human After All ( 2005 ) to the swelling , orchestra-aided Tron : Legacy soundtrack ( 2010 ) .

  21. 片头曲和片尾曲将由著名音乐家、曾为许多好莱坞影片配乐的本杰明·沃菲斯齐(BenjaminWallfisch)制作。

    Both the opening song and the ending song were created and edited by Benjamin Wallfisch , famous musician who has produced music for many Hollywood films .

  22. 虽然过去也曾跟其他音乐家合作(特别是2007年录制韦斯特单曲《更强》(Stronger)的时候),但随着《创:战记》配乐的进行,他们看到孵育一个更开放创意共同体的可能性,并为之感到振奋。

    Though they 'd collaborated with other musicians in the past-most notably on the 2007 West single ' Stronger ' - as Tron progressed , they found themselves energized by the prospect of incubating a more open-ended creative community .

  23. 为什么在本周一这个为了宣传万达在青岛投资50亿美元兴建的影城——好莱坞可以把它当作海外基地——的活动中采用《星球大战》(StarWars)的配乐呢?

    And why was the " Star Wars " score used as part of the Monday affair , which was held to promote Wanda 's $ 5 billion studio complex in Qingdao as a home away from home for Hollywood ?

  24. 与此同时,它也呈现出庄严肃穆之美,迈克尔·吉亚奇诺(MichaelGiacchino)充满野性而又微妙的配乐,以及迈克尔·赛瑞辛(MichaelSeresin)镜头中浓郁翠绿的阴影都为之增色。

    It also has a grave , brooding beauty , intensified by Michael Giacchino 's wild and subtle score and by the deep , verdant shadows of Michael Seresin 's cinematography .

  25. 演出方既有布宜诺斯艾利斯爱乐乐团(BuenosAiresPhilharmonic),也有大型爵士乐队,更有配乐诗朗诵,记得提前查看网站usinadelarte.org上的演出信息。

    Performances range from the Buenos Aires Philharmonic to big band tunes to poetry / music combos , so check the website , usinadelarte.org , ahead of time .

  26. 注:为保证高质素的画面及音质,在制作vcd的过程中,必须进行调色、重新配乐及剪辑等后期工作。

    Note : to ensure the picture and sound quality of the vcd , some post production works including color retouching , music rearrangements and editing have been carried out .

  27. 人们会因为一双球鞋的样子很酷就为它一掷千金,Beck的歌能用来当广告配乐。在这样的消费文化里,炫和酷就是标价最高的商品。

    In a consumer culture where we buy $ 200 sneakers because they look cool and Beck 's song was used in the commercial , flash and dazzle are the highest-prized commodities of all .

  28. 佩顿与公司还录制了圣安德烈断层地震的声音,把它结合到安德鲁·洛金顿(AndrewLockington)创作的配乐中去。

    ( Mr. Peyton and company also recorded seismic sounds of the San Andreas fault , and incorporated them in a score by Andrew Lockington . )

  29. 在去年12月的哈瓦那电影节期间,圣丹斯学院(SundanceInstitute)长片项目组织了一个由演员、导演和编剧组成的代表团,开办了以剧本创作、制片、纪录片剪辑和电影配乐为主题的研讨班。

    During Havana 's film festival in December , a delegation of actors , directors and writers organized by the Sundance Institute 's feature film program offered workshops on screenwriting , production , documentary editing and scoring for film .

  30. 他笔下的主角有人性、会自我怀疑,也有软弱的一面;对于几十年来的商业大片里的电影明星,乃至蒙蒂·诺尔曼(MontyNorman)不朽的詹姆斯·邦德主题电影配乐来说,要呈现这样的性格是很困难的。

    His hero is human , self-doubting , weak , in a way that is hard for a movie star to be in the context of a decades-long franchise and Monty Norman 's immortal James Bond theme .