
pèi xì
  • support a leading actor;play a supporting role
配戏 [pèi xì]
  • [support a leading actor;play a supporting role] 指配合主角演戏

配戏[pèi xì]
  1. JoeyTribbiani,我今天和你配戏,可我太臭了

    I 'm an actor , Joey Tribbiani , I 'm doing a scene with you today , and well , I stink .

  2. 《Knight’sGlove》的导演是一个头发漂成金色的年轻男子。下午的时候,他招募我跑龙套,在一个场景中和科斯-瑞德配戏。

    In the afternoon , the director of " Knight 's Glove , " a young man with bleached blond hair , recruited me to play an extra in a scene with Kos-Read .

  3. 看来她需要两位好演员与她配戏。

    He seems to want two good actors to play up to him .

  4. 她一直梦想著能与奥利维尔配戏。

    She had always dreamed of appearingopposite Olivier .

  5. 诚然,《塔拉迪加之夜》在本质上就是一个托辞,以便将一大堆为威尔•法瑞尔和那群能干的配戏演员定做的笑料串连起来。

    Admittedly , Talladega Nights is essentially just an excuse to string together a whole load of gags for Will Ferrell and his able supporting cast .

  6. 布莱克曼今年已经90岁了。她觉得屏幕上与邦德配戏的女演员的年龄被小题大做了。

    Now 90 , Miss Blackman added that she thinks too much fuss is made over the age of the actresses paired with Bond on screen .