
pèi jǐ
  • ration;allocate;allocation;allotment
配给 [pèi jǐ]
  • [allocation;ration] 配售;分配

配给[pèi jǐ]
  1. 肉的配给量降到了每人每周一磅。

    The meat ration was down to one pound per person per week

  2. 他们开始发行用来购买大米、面粉等生活基本必需品的定量配给卡。

    They have begun to issue ration cards for basic necessities such as rice and flour .

  3. 在干旱时期配给农民的水量减少。

    Water allotments to farmers were cut back in the drought .

  4. 这里的市政当局正准备实施食物配给制度。

    The municipal authorities here are preparing for food rationing .

  5. 面包、大米和茶叶等日常必需品已实行配给。

    Staples such as bread , rice and tea are already being rationed

  6. 由于持续干旱,用水需要实行配给了。

    A prolonged drought had necessitated the introduction of water rationing

  7. 作为食品配给制的一种遗留影响,他们总把黄油和人造黄油混在一起吃。

    As a hangover from rationing , they mixed butter and margarine .

  8. 实行定量配给的商品存在黑市交易。

    There 's a black market in rationed goods .

  9. 人们认为实行配给制会使农业失去活力。

    It reckons that rationing would ossify the farm industry

  10. 五分之四的处方是免费配给那些免除了医疗费的病人的。

    Four out of five prescriptions are dispensed free to people who are exempt

  11. 内战阻碍着救援机构对饥荒赈济物资的配给。

    The civil war is obstructing distribution of famine relief by aid agencies .

  12. 当局已经开始发放定量配给卡。

    The authorities have begun to issue ration cards .

  13. 他承认曾出现过配给问题。

    He admitted there had been distribution problems .

  14. 定量配给时期,糖是限量配给的。

    During rationing we had a sugar allocation .

  15. 定量配给使得购买鸡蛋、黄油和肉类等产品更加便捷。

    Rationing has made it easier to find some products like eggs , butter and meat

  16. 俄军士兵尝了一下长官的配给食物,然后高高兴兴地把那些高级食物一扫而光。

    The Russian soldiers sampled the officers ' rations and wolfed the superior food with delight .

  17. 战时大米是定量配给的。

    Rice was on ration in the war .

  18. 战时粮食严格配给。

    Grain was strictly rationed during the war .

  19. 她也自己种植粮食来回避战时配给,后来还辞去了她在国家经济委员会的工作,因为那份工作要求她支付社保税。

    She also grew her own food to avoid wartime rationing , and later quit her editorial job with the National Economic Council so as not to pay social security taxes .

  20. 批评者指责说,这个理智的想法将导致护理配给。

    Critics have charged that this sensible idea would lead to rationing of care .

  21. 士兵们抱怨他们得到的配给不够数。

    The soldiers complained that they were getting short rations .

  22. 战时的艰苦包括食物配给和燃料短缺。

    Wartime austerities included food rationing and shortage of fuel .

  23. 那个国家早就取消了粮食配给制

    Food rationing was abolished in that country long ago .

  24. 那个国家去年削减面包配给量。

    The country cut the bread ration last year .

  25. 每天配给我们两个鸡蛋。

    We were rationed to two eggs a day .

  26. 可以使用web、移动、命令行或定制的应用程序配给、配置和管理这些虚拟机。

    A web , mobile , command-line or custom application can be used to provision , configure and manage these virtual machines .

  27. IPO限额配给机制探讨:一个基于股权结构的分析

    IPO-mechanism Research : An Analysis from Ownership Structure

  28. 持久性存储的配给或创建可以通过门户接口或IBMCloudAPI来完成。

    The provisioning or creation of persistent storage can be done either via the portal interface or the IBM Cloud APIs .

  29. 可以快速地配给所有这些资源,把它们布置成适合PHP应用程序需要的拓扑。

    All of these resources can be provisioned quickly and arranged into a topology that matches the needs of your PHP application .

  30. 由于这些服务的配给依赖于多个合作伙伴,SLA的管理对于成功与否非常关键。

    Since provisioning of those services is dependent on multiple partners , management of SLAs become critical for success .