
  • 网络interests of the people
  1. 真理是符合人民利益的。

    Truth is in the interests of the people .

  2. 人民利益事关党的生死存亡。

    The interests of the people bear on the life of the Party .

  3. 为人民利益而死,就比泰山还重。

    To die for the people is weightier than Mount Tai . 8 .

  4. 要把体现人民利益、反映人民愿望、维护人民权益、增进人民福祉落实到全面依法治国各领域全过程。

    To advance overall law-based governance is to protect people 's rights , meet their demands and constantly enhance their sense of fulfillment , happiness and security .

  5. 这也强调了一切“把人民利益放在第一位”的原则思想。

    This highlighted the principle of " putting people first " .

  6. 政府要时刻为人民利益着想。

    The government should always keep the people 's interest in mind .

  7. 一切行动都要符合人民利益。

    Do everything in the interests of the people .

  8. 论人民利益标准

    A Study on the Criteria for People 's Benefit

  9. 党的利益与人民利益纵论

    Interests of the Party and Interests of the people

  10. 如何实现人民利益?

    How to realize the people 's interests ?

  11. 党的利益是党代表人民利益的逻辑中介

    On the Chinese Communist Party 's Interest

  12. 紧紧地围绕人民利益开展工作

    Working for the Benefits of the People

  13. 人民利益由经济利益、政治利益和文化利益等构成。实现人民利益,既要全心全意地为人民谋取最大限度的净利益,又要切实保护好人民群众的利益。

    The people 's interests are composed of economic interests , political interests and cultural interests .

  14. 三个标准(实践、生产力、人民利益标准)的新运用;

    New application of " Three Standards "( practice , productivity and people 's benefits standard );

  15. 三个维度统一于维护人民利益,特别是工农利益的社会主义建设事业之中。

    Three dimensions unify into interests of the people , especially workers and farmers of interests .

  16. 加强女性爱国主义教育使女性成为最广大人民利益的代表者。

    Furthering the patriotisms education to make women the representatives of the interests of the commonest people .

  17. 政绩价值诉求的历史发展促使了反映人民利益与社会科学发展的政绩观的产生。

    Its historian development promotes to producty the political achievement view of people 's interests and social science development .

  18. 《沙龙》杂志则给出了更为详尽的描述:国际足联要求举办国牺牲本国人民利益来维护它的权益。

    A Salon article offers further explanation . FIFA requires countries to protect their windfall at the people 's expense .

  19. 这样,政府利益的实现便溶于全体人民利益的实现之中。

    Thus , the realization of the interests of the government is merged together with the interests of its people .

  20. 赖斯表示,阿富汗议会必须履行宪法规定的代表阿富汗人民利益的职责,这是非常重要的。上传:韩萱。

    Rice said it is important for Afghanistan 's parliament to fulfill its constitutional role on behalf of the Afghan people .

  21. 坚持以人民利益为重,确立“三个有利于标准”社会价值尺度思想;

    He adhered to the importance of people 's interest , establishing the " Three-Benefits " criteria thought of social value ;

  22. 保护国家、集体和人民利益,使其免受重大损失,事迹突出的;

    Having performed outstanding deeds in safeguarding the interests of the state , the collective and the people against heavy losses ;

  23. 在加快改革开放和全面建设小康社会、推进社会主义事业新局面的今天,研究三代领导人人民利益思想,具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。

    So researching on the ideas of the people 's interests of three generations leaders has great theoretical and real significance .

  24. 这是我们党代表人民利益,与人民群众保持密切联系的基本前提之一。

    That is one of preconditions that the Party represents the interests of the people and keeps close link with the masses .

  25. 人民利益是以劳动人民为主体的社会基本成员的利益。

    The people 's interests refer to those of basic members of a society with the working people as its main body .

  26. 传承先进文化是高等教育的历史使命;维护最广大人民利益是高等教育的根本宗旨。

    Carrying on the advanced culture is its historical mission , Safeguarding the interests of the broad masses is its basic aim .

  27. 马克思主义具有维护无产阶级和劳动人民利益的鲜明立场,这就决定了环境正义的阶级属性。

    Marxism clearly safeguarded the interests of the proletariat and the laboring people , which determines the class attribute of its environmental justice .

  28. 人民利益作为认同的根本依据,是合法性的本源,克服了西方合法性理论的缺陷,实现了合法性理论的规范主义与经验主义的统一。

    The theory has overcome the western legitimacy theory flaw , and has realized the unification of standard principle and the empiricism on the legitimacy theory .

  29. 要受人尊敬,保持尊严,公务员就应该以人民利益为其行为的出发点。

    In order to be respected and dignified , those who hold public office must behave in a way that benefits the people whom they serve .

  30. 公共财产、国家和人民利益遭受重大损失是玩忽职守罪的构成要件。

    Public property , the state and the interests of the people who have suffered heavy losses constitute the elements of the crime of dereliction of duty .