
  1. 人类口头和非物质遗产保护的由来和发展

    The Origin of Human Parole and Non - material Legacy Protection

  2. 蒙古族长调民歌被誉为蒙古族音乐“活化石”。2005年,中国与蒙古国联合申报的蒙古族长调民歌被联合国教科文组织宣布为“人类口头和非物质遗产代表作”。

    Appraised as the " living fossil " of Mongolian music , long-tune folk songs were included in the UNESCO representative list of world intangible cultural heritage in2005 .

  3. 2005年维吾尔族大型古典音乐套曲“十二木卡姆”被联合国教科文组织批准为“人类口头和非物质遗产代表作”。

    In2005 , large scale classical set music of Uighur " Twelve Mukam " was approved as " Representative Work of Human Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage " by UNESCO .

  4. 中国民族民间文化遗产保护工程和中国民间文化遗产抢救工程,是“全球性的人类口头和非物质遗产保护工程”的重要组成部分。

    The legacy protection project of Chinese national folk culture and the legacy rescue project of Chinese folk culture are the vital constituents of " global human parole and non_material legacy protection project " .

  5. 但是人类口头和非物质遗产代表作的评选和世界遗产评选所依据的法律文件不同,目前其法律地位还不是完全一样。

    But , at the present time , the lawful foundations on appraisals of the " representatives of oral and intangible heritage of humanity " and the " world heritage " are different , and so is their legal status .

  6. 论人类口头和非物质文化遗产保护的法律规定

    On Regulations of Legal Protection of Oral and Non - material Cultural Heritage

  7. 教科文组织把我国的昆曲评为“人类口头和非物质文化遗产”。

    Kunqu Opera is rated by UNESCO as Oral and Non-material Heritage of Mankind .

  8. “人类口头和非物质文化遗产”是一个具有特定内涵的科学概念,通常又称为“无形遗产”。

    Oral and non - material cultural heritage , also called intangible heritage , is a scientific conception with special connotation .

  9. 它是历史文化遗产中的精华,分世界自然遗产、世界文化遗产、世界文化与自然遗产和世界文化景观,以及新近列入的人类口头遗产和非物质遗产代表作五种。

    It contains " World Natural Heritage ", " World Cultural Heritage ", " World Natural and Cultural Heritage ", " World Cultural Landscape " , " Human Oral Heritage and Immaterial Heritage Delegate " .