
  • 网络Human bird;Bird Robot
  1. 目的:建立人鸟苷酰环化酶C(GC-C)含量实时荧光定量PCR(RFQ-PCR)检测的新方法,观察大肠癌患者外周血单个核细胞(PBMC)GC-CmRNA表达水平并探讨其临床意义。

    Objective : To develop a real-time fluorescent quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction ( RFQ-RT-PCR ) system for determination of the expression of guanylyl cyclase-C ( GC-C ) mRNA in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells ( PBMC ) in patients with colorectal cancer .

  2. 人鸟能否“共蝉娟”?

    Can Birds and Human live together harmoniously ?

  3. 女书字符中的崇鸟意识与古越人鸟图腾的关系

    The Relationship between Worship of Birds in N ü shu and Bird Totem of Ancient Yue People

  4. 人鸟冲突成了鄱阳湖湖滨地区经济发展的焦点。

    " Conflicts between human and migrants " have become the focus of economic development in Poyang Lake area .

  5. 詹姆斯帕特森的《极速飞行》讲述了一个关于人鸟杂交基因实验的故事,而在维罗尼卡罗斯的小说《分歧者》中,未来社会分为了五个派系,青少年们必须选择加入其中之一。

    Maximum Ride ( a genetic experiment on human-bird hybrids ) was by James Patterson and Divergent ( a future society divided into five factions , and teens must choose which one to devote themselves to ) was written by Veronica Roth .

  6. Sirens(塞壬),人面鸟身的海妖,会用她们天籁般的歌喉诱惑过路的航海者而使航船触礁沉没。

    Sirens were bird-women who lived by the sea and would use their magical voices to lure sailors to their deaths .

  7. 五千年前的人、鸟、兽玉组合器

    A Unity of Man , Bird and Beast of 5000 years ago

  8. 但是同时含有一些来自人和鸟的遗传物质。

    But it also contains material from humans and birds .

  9. 有些人训练鸟捉小动物。

    Some people teach birds to catch small animals .

  10. 看那边的那些竹筏,上面有人有鸟。

    Look at those bamboo rafts over there with men and big birds .

  11. 不论人还是鸟都愿意往高处攀。

    Men and birds are fain of climbing high .

  12. 才没人会鸟你咧。

    No one 's paying attention to you .

  13. 这使得他们转化为男性,女性,两性人,鸟,动物,等等。

    This causes them to reincarnate as males , females , hermaphrodites , birds , animals , etc.

  14. “然后投身进去,碰碰运气,像任何人或者鸟或者鱼那样。”

    " Then go in and take your chance like any man or bird or fish . "

  15. 叫喊声从那一群疯狂的人和鸟群中响起来。我也跟着喊,我唱,我鸣响,叮当!

    vage horde and of the birds sounded through the air , and I joined in it also ; for I sang ' Ding-dong ! ding-dong ! '

  16. “好好儿歇歇吧,小鸟,”他说。“然后投身进去,碰碰运气,象任何人或者鸟或者鱼那样。”

    " Take a good rest , small bird ," he said . " Then go in and take your chance like any man or bird or fish . "

  17. 兔抗人免疫相关鸟苷三磷酸酶基因多克隆抗体的制备与鉴定

    Preparation and Identification of the Rabbit Anti-human Immune-related Gene Guanosine Triphosphate Polyclonal Antibody

  18. 凌云瑶族人喜欢斗鸟,特别是在春节。

    Lingyun Yao ethnic fighting like a bird , especially in the Spring Festival .

  19. 我在阿富汗就见够了,苏联人留下的鸟文

    I 've seen a fair amount of Cyrillic back in Afghanistan left over by the Soviets .

  20. 据研究人员称,从来没有人被食鸟蜘蛛咬死过。

    According to researchers , there has never been a single confirmed human death from a tarantula bite .

  21. 友谊之于人,就像鸟的巢,蜘蛛的网。&威廉布莱克(1793)

    The bird a nest , the spider a web , man friendship . - William Blake ( 1793 )

  22. 两人将活鸟生生扼死,剩下一人则将孵化中的鸟蛋给踩碎。

    Two of the men strangled the live birds , and the third crushed the egg with his boot .

  23. 一个象你这样矮的人,估算鸟的高度一定有困难。

    When a man is as short as you , it must be very difficult to gauge the height of the birds .

  24. 那些有好工作的人起得比鸟还早,

    people with good jobs woke up very early in the morning ,

  25. 你是哪种人呢?早起鸟还是夜猫子?

    Which are you ... an Early Bird or the Night Owl ?

  26. 少昊人选择一只鸟的符号作为他们的图腾

    the Shao Hao people chose a symbol of a bird as their totem .

  27. 在神话故事中,巫婆常使用魔术将人变成动物或鸟。

    In fairy tales witches often use magic to change persons into animals or birds .

  28. 有人看到那只鸟从树上摔了下来,种种地摔在地上。

    The bird was seen to fall off the tree and struck the ground heavily .

  29. 首先使用滑翔机作实验的人是想模仿鸟的飞行。

    The man who first experimented with sailplanes hoped to imitate the flight of birds .

  30. 没人想当出头鸟。

    No one likes a lurker .