
  1. 非洲联盟常驻联合国日内瓦办事处代表阿杰·库马尔·布拉姆迪奥表示,中国在非洲人权发展方面发挥了重要作用。

    Ajay Kumar Bramdeo , the AU 's representative to the United Nations Office in Geneva , says China is a significant role in helping foster better human rights in Africa .

  2. 自此,话题开始向家庭、教育、人权、发展以及残疾人方向侧重。

    Themes since then have focused on families and education , human rights , development , and disabilities .

  3. 首先,我们的人权状况正在发展和改善。

    Firstly , our human rights conditions are developing and improving .

  4. 要尊重他人的人权,致力发展健康的友情。

    Respect other people 's rights and work on developing healthy relationships .

  5. 中国作为一个发展中国家,其人权状况有双重含义:首先我们的人权状况正在发展和改善。

    The Chinese people are most eligible to have a say in the issue regarding the human rights situation in China .

  6. 查韦斯曾指责美国打着支持人权和民主发展的旗号向反对派提供援助。

    Chavez accused the United States of providing aid to opposition groups under the guise of supporting human rights and democracy development .

  7. 28、我们赞同继续以公正、平等的方式对待各种人权,包括发展权,承认各种人权的相同地位及同等重要性。

    28 . We agree to continue to treat all human rights , including the right to development , in a fair and equal manner , on the same footing and with the same emphasis .

  8. 维护国际和平与安全、保护和促进人权、促进可持续发展

    maintain international peace and security , protect and foster human rights and promote sustainable development

  9. 其次,正因为我们的人权状况仍在发展过程中,因而有些问题的出现是不可避免的,需要得到改进。因为人权不完善,所以需要发展。

    And secondly , as they are still in the process of development , some problems unavoidably exist and need improving . Because human rights are not perfect , they need to develop .

  10. 25、我们重申坚定支持联合国作为最主要的多边国际组织,协助国际社会维护国际和平与安全、保护和促进人权、促进可持续发展。

    25 . We reiterate our strong commitment to the UN as the fundamental multilateral organization entrusted with helping the international community maintain international peace and security , protect and foster human rights and promote sustainable development .