
ɡuó jiā fǎ
  • National law;state law;constitutional law;the law of the state
  1. 少数民族习惯法与国家法的依存和冲突&少数民族地区法律多元个案透视

    On the Interdependence of the Minority Customary Laws and the Constitutional Law and their Conflicts : A case study of the pluralism of law in the minority area of China

  2. 法律多元将是我国少数民族地区长期存在的现象,该现象主要围绕国家法与少数民族习惯法两者的关系而表现出来。

    The pluralism of law has long been in existence in the minority area of China , which finds expression mainly in the relationship between the constitutional law and the minority customary laws .

  3. [美国CNN记者]我想问一个关于《反分裂国家法》的问题。

    CNN : The question I would ask is about the Anti-Secession Law .

  4. 论习惯法与国家法的二元分立及其互动

    On Duality Schism and Interaction of Custom Law National Law

  5. 黔东南苗族婚姻习惯法与国家法的冲突与调适

    Conflicts and Adjustment in Qiandongnan Miao Customary Law of Marriage with National Law

  6. 乡土社会中的国家法与民间法

    National Law and Folk Law in the Countryside

  7. 民间法与国家法不同,但是也具有国家法某些特征。

    They are different from national laws , but they show some characteristics of the latter .

  8. 国家法与民间法的融合包括国家法和民间法融合的可能性分析和现实性分析。

    The combine between the National Law and the Folk law includes possibility analysis and actuality analysis .

  9. 在一国之中,国家法和习惯法并存是不容质疑的。

    In the country , there is no doubt that the state law and customary law are side-by-side .

  10. 国家法是权力结构的产物,国家法外无法。

    The state law is the product of power structure which cannot exist at all outside this reality .

  11. 在法社会学领域,民间法是相对于国家法而言的一种法律形态。

    In the law-sociology realm , folks law is a kind of law comparative to the national law .

  12. 乡村社会与国家法

    Rural Society and National Law Study on the Situation of Rule of Law in Rural Society of China

  13. 《反分裂国家法》的出台是中国依法执政的新飞跃。

    The approval of Anti-secession Law is a leap in the process of China 's rule of law .

  14. 相关研究或明或暗地将传统与现代作为民间法与国家法的重要区别。

    Concerned studies distinguish mainly folk law from country law by " tradition and modernism " obviously or dimly .

  15. 合乎历史顺乎民意&论《反分裂国家法》出台的意义

    The Choice of the History , the Will of the People & Comment on the Promulgation of Anti-national Division Act

  16. 欧盟法具有超国家法的特点,不是传统意义上的国际法,也不是国家法。

    The EU law , neither traditional international law nor national law , has the character of the supranational law .

  17. 法律多元已经成为一个标志性的范畴,用于指称现实社会中国家法与非国家法并存的一种现实存在,它是社会实然状况与法律观念形态的综合体现。

    Legal pluralism has become a landmark category , for alleged the coexist of the national law and the non-national law .

  18. 文章从宪政和法理的视角对《反分裂国家法》进行立法解析。

    From the angle of constitutionalism and principle of law , the article gives an analysis to Law of Anti-split Country .

  19. 法制现代化进程中的反思&民间法与国家法的作用辨析

    Reflections on the Process of Legal Modernization : An Analysis into the Functions of the Popular Law and the State Law

  20. 法的可诉性应是现代法治国家法的本质属性之一。

    The characteristic of law 's being sued is one of the essential attribute of modern countries which are ruled by law .

  21. 通过初探,笔者发现,国家法与民间法以共生的方式,共同维系着大社会秩序的稳定。

    Through a pilot study , I found that the co-existence of national law and folk law keeps the social order stable .

  22. 随着社会多元化地发展,人们提出了司法多元化的要求,仅仅依靠国家法已经无法满足人们对司法多元化的需求。

    With the development of social pluralism , the law of state has been unable to meet the diverse needs of the judiciary .

  23. 从理论和实践来看,这一现象的产生从国家法和民族习惯法来说都有其深刻原因,国家法制统一和民族习惯的存在与适用都有合理性与必要性。

    From the theories and practice , we can find reasons not only from the national law but also the minority custom law .

  24. 虽然民间惩罚主要是立基于乡土社会这一特定环境的基础上说明的,但其对民间法有效的规制,对于完善国家法的保障机制亦具有重要的借鉴意义。

    Though folk punishment sets up social base of rural society , but it have important meaning for reference of the constitutional law .

  25. 评价失范不能仅以国家法作为标准,而应以公平正义为依据。

    The evaluation on anomie could not be carried out only in accordance with state law , but in accordance with fairness and justice .

  26. 由于受立法中心传统的影响,人们往往把法官的裁判渊源局限于国家法。

    Owing to the effect of the tradition of legislation , national law is often considered to be the only source of legal decisions .

  27. 当前中国乡村社会纠纷解决是多元权力互动的结果,同时也是国家法与民间法互动的结果。

    Meanwhile , it is also the result of interaction between the state law and folk law . The plural power needs plural social rules .

  28. 然而,随着20世纪初期中国大规模地移植西方法,分家习惯退出了国家法领域。

    However , with the extensive transplantation of Western law in the early 20th century , this custom finally retreated from the Chinese legal system .

  29. 在分析社团规章与国家法的关系时,应注意到冲突规则的原则与例外。

    When analyzing the relations between association rules and state laws , we should take care of the generality and exception of the conflict rules .

  30. 国家法与民间法冲突下司法公信力研究&以法律效果与社会效果的统一为视角

    The Judicial Credibility under the Conflict of State Law and Civil Law & from the perspective of the unification of legal effects and social effects