
  • 网络International Staff;International Officials
  1. 迪昂说,联合国世粮署在阿斯马拉保留办公室,但是从2005年以来那里就没有国际职员,无法监控这个500万人口的国家的状况。

    He says the U.N. agency technically maintains an office in Asmara , but has not had any international staff there since 2005 , and is not able to monitor conditions in the nation of 5 million .

  2. 他们职员的任期与那些国际与地区职员相仿-始于每年的七月。

    Their terms of Office-like those of international and district officers-begin on1 July each year .

  3. 玛丽唐纳森曾经是墨尔本一家国际广告公司的职员。

    Mary Donaldson once accepted a position at an international advertising agency in Melbourne .

  4. 来自厦门国际银行的人事职员严璐斌(音译)表示,好几位应届管培生在五年之内就做到了支行经理的位置。

    Yan Lubin , an HR for Xiamen International Bank , revealed that several graduate student trainees became branch bank bosses within five years .

  5. 在章程文件中有关国际扶轮理事会及国际扶轮职员除总监外都加以复审并建议修改之处皆已研拟。

    Review of and suggested revisions to the constitutional documents pertaining to the RI Board and RI officers ( except governors ) have been developed .