
yóu qí bīnɡ
  • ranger
  1. 他毕业于西点军校(WestPoint),曾在美国陆军服役六年,担任游骑兵,1988年开始从事药物销售。

    A West Point grad , he spent six years in the U.S. Army , serving as an Army Ranger .

  2. 我确实非常尊敬你这位首席游骑兵.

    I 've great admiration for you as First Ranger .

  3. 我已经送了游骑兵队的票巧克力和“辛普森家庭”DVD

    I 've sent Rangers tickets and chocolates and " Simpsons " DVDs .

  4. 威廉姆斯的陨落,始于他与一名伊拉克老兵一同现身纽约游骑兵队(NewYorkRangers)的一场比赛之时,那次露面是为了纪念一名退休的参谋军士长。

    Williams ' downfall began when he appeared at a New York Rangers game with an Iraq veteran in a tribute to a retiring command sergeant major .

  5. 当地警方,德州游骑兵,现在是几十名FBI特工全部牵涉其中。

    Local police , Texas rangers , now dozens of FBI agents , all getting involved .

  6. 他喜欢每晚在那里观看得州游骑兵(TexasRangers)棒球队的比赛。

    And that 's where he likes to watch the Texas Rangers every night , 'Laura Bush said .

  7. 这些闪电女郎是最典型的纽约象徵,而在此,她们包围著一个庞大笨拙的冰球明星(纽约游骑兵队的MikeRichter),同时以中央公园作为完美的背景。

    The Rockettes are a quintessential New York symbol , and here they are surrounding a big , bulky ice hockey star [ Mike Richter of the New York Rangers ] with Central Park as the perfect backdrop .

  8. 熊老派了游骑兵北出长城去找他。

    The Old Bear had sent out rangers in search of him .

  9. 赌十元,还不用提我是游骑兵。

    Ten bucks . that 's without telling him I 'm a ranger .

  10. 我是游骑兵第六营的上尉。

    I was a captain with the6th Ranger battalion .

  11. 而这段录像由被称为缅甸自由游骑兵的人道主义组织所公布。

    This footage was released by a humanitarian organization called Free Burma Rangers .

  12. 中世纪战争中,游骑兵用于支持骑士作战。

    In medieval warfare Hobilars are the lighter cavalry who support the knights .

  13. 谁有游骑兵徽章?

    Who can show me a Ranger tab ?

  14. 他是一名陆军游骑兵,一个有家室的人,还是一个喜欢冒险的人。

    He 's a decorated Army ranger , a family man and a thrill seeker

  15. 年仅26岁的彼得·卡西格是美国医疗救助队的一名工作人员,同时也是一位前陆军游骑兵。

    Peter Kassig was a 26-year old U.S. medical worker and former Army ranger .

  16. 修正诺曼底第十关以保证游骑兵到来时勋章任务能够触发。

    Fixed Normandy M10 to ensure that the medal objective occurs when the Rangers arrive .

  17. 他参加了游骑兵部队。

    He signs up for army rangers .

  18. 如果判罚点球的话,就意味着游骑兵队拱手放弃了比赛。

    LF that 's a penalty * The Rangers probably just threw the game away .

  19. 美国航空母舰游骑兵号在太平洋。

    USS Ranger CV-4 in the Pacific .

  20. 我以前认识一个迷信的游骑兵队员。

    Knew a superstitious Ranger once .

  21. 最初的两艘游骑兵太空船,在1961年发射,始终没有脱离地球轨道。

    The first two Rangers , launched in 1961 , never got out of earth orbit .

  22. 尼鲁格,游骑兵.愿诸神眷顾你们.游骑兵,跟我来.

    Nelugo to the Rangers . May all the Gods preserve you . Rangers with me .

  23. 得州游骑兵队成立于1823年,是北美历史最悠久的执法部门。

    Created in 1823 , the Texas Rangers is the oldest law enforcement body in North America .

  24. 一声代表游骑兵返回两声代表野人来袭三声…没有骑手.

    One blast for a Ranger returning , two for Wildlings , three for-there 's no rider .

  25. 这是分配给游骑兵防止偷捕围绕兰萨里亚,南非野生动物保护区。

    This Ranger is assigned to prevent poaching around the wildlife refuge area of Lanseria , South Africa .

  26. 利物浦合作老板希克斯已经同意一份出售他德州游骑兵篮球队合同。

    Liverpool co-owner Tom Hicks has agreed a deal to sell his baseball team , the Texas Rangers .

  27. 在球队移到得克萨斯州,改名为德州游骑兵后,他管理了一年的球队。

    He also managed the team the first year it moved to Texas and became the Texas Rangers .

  28. 我一直都想当个游骑兵.我一直都想当个魔法师.什么?

    I always wanted to be a Ranger . I always wanted to be a Wizard . What ?

  29. 游骑兵说墙外不过就是树林、山脉和结冻的湖泊,一片冰天雪地。

    The rangers say it 's just woods and mountains and frozen lakes , with lots of snow and ice .

  30. 通常认为游骑兵亦即霍比拉一词来自诺曼语的“业余”,特指那些苏格兰和爱尔兰地区的盖尔游骑兵。

    It is thought the term'Hobilars'comes from the Norman name'hobby'for the small horses that Gaelic troops rode in Scotland and Ireland .