
  1. 文人·儒家思想·游侠精神

    Humanism , Confucian Thought and Chivalric Spirit

  2. 秦汉游侠精神实质是反正统、倡私自复仇。

    The essentials of paladin spirit in Qin-Han era is anti-legitimacy and proposing revenge by themselves .

  3. 他又深深倾慕古代侠士慷慨悲歌、豪迈不羁的生活态度和他们所奉行的“以武犯禁”、“不爱其躯”、“羞伐其德”的游侠精神,因此敢于蔑视封建秩序和礼教,冲击传统偶像。

    On the other hand , he adored the bold and unconstrained mien of ancient errant knights , who would sacrifice their lives for righteousness and never brag about their exploits . Furthermore , he was an iconoclast against feudal principles and etiqueues .

  4. 建安游侠诗与儒家精神

    The Jian An Errant Knight Poems and Confucian Spirits

  5. 建安诗人表面上描写游侠,歌唱游侠,其精神实质则是借这一特殊形象表达他们在儒家思想影响下的慷慨入世之情。

    In fact , the essence of their action was to express their active spirit of entering the society under the influence of Confucianism .