
  • 网络Game toys
  1. 这项技术在脑科学研究、神经弥补、功能康复、航天、游戏玩具业等方面有着广泛的应用前景和很大的经济潜力。

    In brain research , neural remedy , function recovery , aerospace and game toy , this technology has broad prospect of application and great economic potential .

  2. 不管你去任何一家玩具店购物,你都能清楚地看到男孩和女孩的不同游戏和玩具:商店的一边有很多粉红色的女孩玩具;另一边是深色的汽车、枪和士兵。

    If you go shopping in any toy store , you can see clearly the different games and toys for boys and girls : there are a lot of pink toys on one side of the store for girls ; and dark colored cars , guns , and soldiers for boys .

  3. 北京嘉年华用游戏促销玩具

    Good Time of Beijing uses game as sales promotion for toys

  4. 当和孩子谈论幼儿园,或送孩子上幼儿园前,你可以问问他,他最喜欢的游戏或玩具是什么,他今天最想做的事情是什么。

    When talking about school or preparing for school , ask him what his favorite games are or toys and what he would like to do in school today .

  5. 无论我们是否接受这些摄影作品,无论是积极地还是被动的接受它,他们都会无处不在:从报纸,专用新闻频道到电影,电脑游戏和玩具;

    Whether we receive these images passively or actively engage with them , they are everywhere : from newspapers and dedicated news channels to movies , computer games and toys .

  6. 当《星球大战》在美国完结的时候,随之推出了电脑游戏、玩具、和其他周边产品,甚至包括年度的影迷狂欢节。

    When the Star Wars movie series in the US came to an end , it was accompanied by PC games , toys , and everything else , even an annual festival for fans .

  7. 主营产品:动漫、影视主题玩具;体育、游戏类玩具;婴幼儿教具;婴幼儿教具;婴儿玩具;玩具设计加工。

    Porduct : Animation , film and television subject toy ; Sports , game class toy ; Babies and infants teaching aid ; Babies and infants teaching aid ; Babytoy ; Toy design processing .

  8. 受到保护并发行,这是我今天在博览会的所见。”来自国内外的156家企业参加今年在青岛举办的包装食品、出版、动漫、电子游戏、玩具等行业的版权交易会。

    d and shared in a proper way . And that 's what I 'm seeing here in the expo . " 156 enterprises from home and abroad are attending this year 's copy right fair in Qingdao , from industries such as packaged food , publishing , animation , electronic games , and toys .

  9. 这只是个游戏是个玩具对吗

    It 's just a game , a toy . Right ?

  10. 日本网络游戏公司收购玩具公司部分股份

    Japanese network game company purchased some part of stock from the toys company

  11. 尝试你的技能,在令人振奋的新游戏玩法的玩具工厂。

    Try your skills in the exciting new game play of Teddy Factory .

  12. 但是我最喜欢的游戏是电动玩具。

    But my favorite games are video games .

  13. 在游戏中,玩具要有效的引导儿童发生预定的目标行为。

    And the toy should tell the children what and how to behave in this game .

  14. 询问一下孩子们学前班的老师,听听他们对于战争游戏和武器玩具的观点。

    Ask the teachers of your child 's preschoolabout their policy on war play and toy weapons .

  15. 这就意味着除非主人也参与游戏,否则玩具是不好玩的。

    This means it learns that toys are no fun unless the handler is involved with the game .

  16. 要从这些游戏里赢得玩具对我们来说是很难的,但这教会我不要放弃。

    It is very difficult for us to win a toy from the games , but it teaches me not to give up .

  17. 采购产品礼品,玩具和游戏,木制的玩具,智力玩具,手艺装备。

    Gifts Articles , Toy and Games , Wooden Toys , Puzzles , Craft Kits .

  18. 其他周边产品电子游戏、衣服、玩具等也风靡全球。

    Related video games , apparel , toys and other merchandise are sweeping the world .

  19. 而玩具是幼儿游戏的必备工具,游戏也要通过玩具来实现。

    On the other hand , toys perform as necessary tools for child games and games are played by toys .

  20. 游戏是儿童生活中的主要活动,游戏和玩具紧密相连。

    The game is a major activity for children , and games and toys closely linked .