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yóu chéng
  • Journey;itinerary;distance of swimming;route of travel
游程 [yóu chéng]
  • (1) [distance travelled]∶游览的路程

  • 一日游程,使得我们有些乏累了

  • (2) [distance of swimming]∶游泳的距离

  1. 基于游程编码的GIS栅格数据矢量化方法

    Approach of Vectorization for GIS Raster Data Based on Run-length Encoding System

  2. 这些统计量包括游程、模式和scan。

    These statistics include run , pattern and scan .

  3. 非周期q元均匀随机序列的游程特性

    The run path properties of the non periodic uniform random sequence with q'elements

  4. 干、湿月游程的Markov链模拟

    A Markov chain simulation for dry and wet month runs

  5. Markov链的游程理论

    The Theory of Excursion of Markov Chains

  6. 应用混合游程编码的SOC测试数据压缩方法

    A Hybrid Run-Length Coding for Soc Test Data Compression

  7. 基于游程编码的PCB缺陷检测算法

    PCB defect detection based on run-lengthen encoding

  8. 在实验中给出了一个比较典型的对栅格数据进行存储和管理的操作示例。基于游程编码的GIS栅格数据矢量化方法

    A typical example of storage and management of raster data is demonstrated . Approach of Vectorization for GIS Raster Data Based on Run-length Encoding System

  9. 借助标量衍射理论建立了多阶游程长度受限记录符的计算模型,对采用多阶游程长度受限编码的CD光盘的读出信号进行了仿真分析。

    A model of ML-RLL recorded mark is introduced with scalar diffraction theory , and the readout signal of ML-RLL CD is calculated .

  10. 采用游程检验法分析了该陀螺仪随机漂移数据的平稳性,并根据该漂移为均值非平稳、方差平稳的随机过程的结论,采用梯度径向基(RBF)神经网络对漂移数据进行了建模。

    The analysis , which is based on run test , shows that the drift is not a weak stationary random process .

  11. 主要讨论了AR参数模型提取扩频码的基本思想和实现模型,并分析了提取出的扩频码的随机性能,包括相关性,码平衡特性和游程特性。

    Then the theory of the AR model and the random performance of the spread spectrum sequence , including co-correlation , balance are discussed .

  12. 图像LSB隐藏游程检测算法

    A detecting algorithm based run - length to LSB embedding in images

  13. 游程长度受限(Run-LengthLimited,RLL)码是一种在光盘中广泛应用的信道调制编码。

    Run-Length Limited code is one of modulation codes which is widely used in optical disc system .

  14. 第二章介绍Markov过程有关停时及游程的概念,叙述了一致椭圆扩散过程的定义,并给出了一致椭圆扩散过程有关首中时的结果;

    In chapter two , we summarily describe the excursion in Markov process and the result of the first hitting time of the elliptic diffusion process ;

  15. AVS游程解码、反扫描、反量化和反变换优化设计

    Hardware architecture optimizing for run lenth decoding , inverse scan , inverse quantization and inverse transform in AVS

  16. 一种利用游程编码优化EZW的方法

    An optimized EZW method using run-length coding

  17. 该文提出一种新的用于数字磁存储的游程长度受限码(run-LengthLimited:RLL)方法。

    An efficient , reliable run-length limited ( RLL ) code was developed for digital magnetic storage .

  18. 二进制序列的Tseng游程定理

    Theorems of Tseng runs of binary sequence

  19. 游程长度受限码RLL(4,18)的研究

    Research on RLL ( 4,18 ) run - length limited code

  20. 首先提出了一种基于游程的快速连通域标记算法实现条码粗定位,然后提出了一种基于DataMatrix条码的有效的精确定位方法;并通过反透视变换和双线性插值的方法进行畸变校正处理。

    First , a new fast connected component labeling algorithm based on fast run is proposed to achieve barcode rough localization , and then proposes a precise localization method the Data Matrix barcode . Anti-perspective transformation and bilinear interpolation are used for perspective distortion correction .

  21. 用游程分析的方法给出了最佳二进序列与循环Hadamard矩阵存在的一些必要条件。

    By analyzing the runs , some necessary conditions for the existence of perfect binary sequences and circulant Hadamard matrics are obtained .

  22. 提出了一种新的RLL(4,13)游程长度受限码。

    A new RLL ( 4,13 ) run-length limited code is presentsed .

  23. 提出了一种适用于AVS的游程解码、反扫描、反量化和反变换硬件结构优化设计方案。

    An optimized hardware architecture of run lentil decoding , inverse scan , inverse quantization and inverse transform in AVS video decoder is presented .

  24. 多阶游程长度受限(ML-RLL)编码可以在保持原有记录符尺寸和记录单元数量的情况下将CD光盘存储容量提高2.4倍。

    Multi-level run-length limited ( ML-RLL ) cording can increase the capacity of CD to 2.4 times of the conventional CD .

  25. 该方法把小波变换和灰度游程相结合,构造出小波域灰度游程矩阵,并引入新的特征统计量,对SAR图像纹理进行特征提取和分割。

    Our method with a combination of wavelet and run-length , a construction of gray-level run-length matrix , and an introduction of new statistic is applied to feature extraction and segmentation of SAR image texture .

  26. 得到了游程的重要特性:n-1长的零游程是等间隙的;证明了分量序列是素域上的m序列;

    The runs of n - 1 zeros have equivalent intervals , and the component sequences are m-sequences in the prime field .

  27. 提出了一种新的特征提取方法&笔画方向游程特征并结合了KirschMask等特征以提高识别率。

    First , proposing a novel feature extraction method & Stroke Run-length Direction Feature , and then combining the Kirsch Mask Feature to improve recognition performance .

  28. 方法用游程检验和泊松分布的U检验方法对天津医科大学总医院病理科1978~1997年甲状腺疾病总外科病理检出率(外检率)和六种甲状腺疾病的外检率进行统计学分析。

    Methods A statistic analysis was performed on materials of various thyroid diseases from files of Department of Pathology ( 1978 1997 ) in General Hospital , Tianjin Medical University , with Run test and Poisson U test .

  29. 归纳出组合码最大游程长度与OVSF码下标之间的关系,导出构成最大游程长度不小于8的组合码的码长条件及下标条件。

    Two conditions are concluded on which OVSF codes construct a combined code with maximum run-length of 8 or longer .

  30. 以上述的点估计为测试点,对各浓度处理后的不同天数的防治效果进行游程检测(MontecarloSig方法),随机性显著(p>0.05)。

    Using run-tests of the controlling effects on days of treatments by Monte Carlo Sig with cut values correspond - ing point estimations , the results suggested that data in groups were stochastic ( p > 0.05 ) .