
  • 网络Beam pumping unit;walking beam pumping unit
  1. 本文分析了游梁式抽油机实际使用存在高能耗、低效率的问题和各种新型节能抽油机的研究现状。

    The paper analyzes the problems of low efficiency and high energy consumption of beam pumping unit and the research status of new type energy-saving pumping unit .

  2. 液压游梁式抽油机是结合液压抽油机与常规游梁式抽油机优点而研制的一种新型抽油机。

    The hydraulic beam pumping unit is a new-style pumping unit that combines the advantages of both the conventional beam pumping unit and the hydraulic pumping unit .

  3. 基于Matlab仿真技术的后置型游梁式抽油机研究

    The Research on Back-placed Beam-pumping Unit Based on Simulated Technology of Matlab

  4. 游梁式抽油机CAD系统

    CAD system for walking - beam pumping units

  5. 不同原油粘度下API游梁式抽油机模型示功图分析

    The model dynamometer card analysis of API pumping units on different crude oil viscosities

  6. 该软件通过调用SolidWorks的API函数实现了游梁式抽油机的参数化设计及模块的智能装配。

    The application software can call SolidWorks API functions to finish beam pumping unit parametric design and automatic module assembly .

  7. 介绍了游梁式抽油机CAD系统的特点、结构组成及各部分作用;

    This article offers an introduction to the characteristics , composition and the function of each component of a computer aided design ( CAD ) system for walking-beam pumping units .

  8. 游梁式抽油机CAD系统是以VC++为开发平台、以SolidWorks为图形支撑软件的专用软件系统。

    CAD system for walking beam pumping unit is a special software with VC + + as development platform and SolidWorks as drawing software .

  9. AFE变频器在游梁式抽油机上的应用

    An application of the AFE frequency converter to a beam type oil pumping set

  10. 对图、表的分析表明,发展冲程长度为6m的长冲程游梁式抽油机是可行的。

    The diagrams and tables show that it is feasible to develop beam pumping units with a stroke length of 6 meters .

  11. 游梁式抽油机的耗能量与载荷波动系数CLF成正比。

    The energy consumption of the beam pumping unit is proportional to the coefficient of load fluctuation CLF .

  12. C-320D-256-120型游梁式抽油机运动过程中的模态变化规律研究

    Mode disciplinarian of the dynamic characteristics of the mode C-320D-256-120 beam pumping unit

  13. 根据游梁式抽油机的运动、动力和结构特点,应用VB可视化软件开发了一套设计软件系统,包括优化设计模块、运动分析模块、动力分析模块、零部件强度分析模块等。

    Software system for designing beam-pumping units is developed by the Visual Basic program . It consists of six modules including optimization design , kinematic analysis , dynamics analysis , strength analysis for parts and so on . And its interface has good mutual function and very simple operation .

  14. 用预测法确定游梁式抽油机工作参数

    A Method for Predicting the Operating Data of Beam Pumping Units

  15. 原油生产中普遍使用游梁式抽油机。

    Beam pumping units have widely been used in oil fields .

  16. 游梁式抽油机抽油的井GB9052.1-1998油气田液化石油气

    Beam pumping well Liquefied petroleum gas of oil and gas field

  17. 游梁式抽油机电气节能方法分析及论证

    Analysis and Verification of Electric Energy Saving Methods for Beam Unit

  18. 对称循环游梁式抽油机的四杆机构参数设计

    Four-poled component parameter design of the symmetrical circulation beam pumping unit

  19. 游梁式抽油机几何尺寸计算的新方法

    A New Method for Geometric Design of Sucker Rod Pumping Units

  20. 游梁式抽油机间歇供电装置的研制与应用

    Development and application of intermittent power-supply device for beam pumping units

  21. 游梁式抽油机主参数优化设计的基本原则

    Optimization of the Main Parameters of a Beam Pumping Unit

  22. 游梁式抽油机异步电动机矢量空间节能研究

    Energy Saving Research on Pumping Unit Asynchronous Motors under the Vector Space

  23. 基于聚类算法的游梁式抽油机的模块化设计

    The Modularity of Beam Pumping Units Based on Clustering Arithmetic

  24. 游梁式抽油机运动参数的精确解

    An exact solution of kinematic parameters in beam pumping units

  25. 游梁式抽油机运动规律的多体动力学分析

    Multi-body dynamic analysis on motion laws of beam pumping unit

  26. 直线电机抽油机与游梁式抽油机工作性能对比

    Beam counterbalance Performance of Linear Motor Pumping Unit and Beam Pumping Unit

  27. 游梁式抽油机配套电机的节能计算

    Energy Saving Calculation of The Motor Equipted with Beam Pump

  28. 游梁式抽油机节能新技术探讨。

    New method for power saving of beam pumping units .

  29. 液压能量回收的扭矩平衡游梁式抽油机

    Walking-beam Pumping with Torque Balance Unit through Hydraulic Energy Recovery

  30. 游梁式抽油机平衡重调节简单计算方法

    The Simple Calculating Method for Adjusting the Counterbalance of Beam Pumping Unit