
  1. 一种娱人娱己的游戏文学;

    Where are man ? a literature which can entertain others and selfs ;

  2. 比较明显的是,现代游戏文学观得到提倡,反映文学观得到加强,以及审美文学观逐渐产生。

    Obviously , the concept of game is advocated ; the concept of reflection is strengthened , and the concept of aesthetic judgment is emerged gradually .

  3. 焦虑、游戏、文学场&论文学经典的建构之途

    Anxiousness , game and Literary Field : the Approach to Constructing Literary Canon

  4. 游戏、文学与80后趣味

    Games , Literature and Gustoes in Late 80s

  5. 在话语控制的意义上,意识形态不过是政治统治所巧妙体现出来的一种权力修辞学的游戏,文学理论是权力机制运作过程及其结果的符码化表现。

    Concerning the meaning of the discourse control , ideology is but a game of power rhetoric ingeniously played by the political domination and literary theory is the symbolic expression of the process and the result of the power system .

  6. 论儿童游戏与儿童文学的游戏精神

    On Games and Game Value of Juvenile Literature

  7. “PAN娱乐”的定义很难界定,PAN是由“个人局域网”的首字母缩写而成,通常指那些通过游戏、动画、文学、电影和电视等方式,整合体育、旅游、教育和医疗等多元内容的在线娱乐。

    Its definition defies easy explanation . It comes from an acronym for " personal area network " and refers generally to diverse online entertainment through development of integrated content that may combine sports , travel , education and healthcare with media formats like games , animation , literature , film and television .

  8. 游戏精神&儿童文学的自由本质

    Spirit of Games & the Free Nature of Literature for Children

  9. 认真的游戏&浅析当下文学创作的一种倾向

    Earnest Word Games & A Tentative Analysis of the Contemporary Chinese Literature

  10. 游戏精神是儿童文学的一种基本精神。

    Playful spirit is the basic spirit of children literature .

  11. 游戏精神在儿童文学中更多地体现自由性和幻想性。

    Spirit of games in literature for children shows more freedom and fantasy .

  12. 在这些分析研究的基础上,作者探讨了游戏精神对儿童文学的重要意义,这也是本文的重点所在。

    Furthermore , the importance of Game Spirit has been discussed based on all this analysis .

  13. 试论游戏精神在儿童文学创作实践中的意义&兼谈与教育主义的关系

    The Importance of Recreation Spirit in the Creation of Children 's Literature & The Relation of What Is Said and Education Doctrine

  14. 首先,网络的交互性特征颠覆了传统创作主体的地位,消解了作者和读者之间的界限,使网上的小说写作成为网民之间的互动游戏,而网络文学的文本也由此具有可写作文本的多重意义。

    First , interactive characteristic of network subverts tradition status of create subject , and clear up the demarcation line between the author and reader .

  15. 游戏精神是儿童文学的基本美学精神之一,它对儿童文学创作实践具有重要的理论指导意义。

    Recreation spirit is one of the basic aesthetics spirit of children 's literature . It plays important theory guidance meaning in Children 's literature creation practice possesses .